The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Agree with your points. It’s really about the work you do and the determination to be able to do it. As an example (and not a brag at all, just an example) - D attends a great program in NY. She cast a wide net and had some nice offers and of course was rejected from great programs. Prior to moving to college, she found out about and submitted a headshot / resume for an extra role in a major TV show. Didn’t think anything of it. Out of nowhere she gets an email that she was selected if available. So a few weeks back she had to take the 4am train to Brooklyn to be on set by 6am (went through make up, wardrobe, the whole thing - so cool). Had a week like that. Great experience. Nothing to do with her or any school. Maybe it will lead to something. Probably not. Who knows. The point is she was determined and willing to do it and will continue to look for things. Can’t emphasize enough it had nothing to do with her school. They simply wanted an X who could play a Y and she made the cut.

It’s about the work.


@rickle1 love that, so cool, so happy for you guys!

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Finally (Miami)!!


Well, that’s bad for us because my D has had trouble accessing her UMiami portal from the beginning. I can just see her not being able to get into it this afternoon…ugh.

Syracuse’s second wave is supposed to come out tonight. Last week it was between 5:15ish - 7:15ish. We attended a scholars event (all schools) and they said it was a 24% increase in applications for the school as a whole. The largest they believe in the school’s history. 40,000+ applications for an incoming class of 3600. They didn’t give the numbers for any major.

From what I gathered, the regular decisions come in waves and even the schools (in this case School of Drama housed in College of VPA) do not know when they will be released. A no is not a no until you see it in writing. Sending positive vibes to everyone for all of the decisions coming out tonight! :performing_arts:


Have you contacted their office or maybe their IT? We had to do that with another portal because ours was not working. We had to work with campus IT…

@tennesee1 That 'Cane thing is a notoriously difficult portal to navigate! You are not alone. And then, if memory serves, the decision letter posted didn’t quite say specifically “BFA Musical Theatre” - but at any rate, you will know soon!

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still waiting on uab after walk ins 2/20. supposed to hear end of this month!
hopefully soon then all decisions from schools will be in and we fully engage in the next stage…which of course we have already started!!


This is dangerous speculation, but just throwing it out there. BoCo does like Fridays, so there’s a chance the decision could come out tonight. Check your portal around midnight ET, if you’re crazy! I tried to find the exact date last year in the venting thread but, annoyingly, CC only lists the month - not great - we need crisp, surgical precision here in MT World. Does anyone have the 2020 date?

If it is 4/1, per the party line, the decision should be posted at midnight 3/31. So only a few more days, either way. Hang in there, babies!

We’ll make sure to document the exact date and info in the notification thread for next year’s crop of students.


Got it figured out!!! Thank you.


If you hover your mouse over the month/year, the exact date will display.

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This year MTCA held private auditions for Baldwin Wallace and Shenandoah.

(FTR, I don’t have an issue with this at all. My own daughter took advantage of the BW private audition last year. It wasn’t the reason we chose MTCA, but it was a nice convenience.)


So, according to the intel above we are waiting for UMiami (4pm), Syracuse (5:30), BoCo (midnight), BU (tomorrow), USC (Tuesday) and NYU (Wednesday).

Carry on, nothing to see here (said from the floor, where I am shaking and whimpering like a dog)…



@Mamacitateatro Awwwwww, so much love and hugs!! WOW!

Reminds me of last week. Monday we heard from CCPA, Wednesday morning Emerson, Wednesday afternoon Nazareth, Friday morning music scholarship from Wagner. Huff, puff!!!

I vote for some serious distractions, as long as they don’t hurt anyone or break the law!!! GOOD LUCK


Thanks for making my blood pressure shoot up!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Also is BU a portal thing also?


I know it! Not sure about BU–they sent an email last month.

And Northwestern today at 5:30 Eastern. Best of luck to everyone finding out news in the next few hours and days!!


exciting times!!!

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BU releases decisions tomorrow, March 27.

Edit: oops, sorry, thought someone was asking about BU date but see it was already posted.