The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Good luck everybody!! All news gets you one step closer to a decision! Deep breathe or drink deeply…or both!!


With only six days left until April 1, the Class of 2025 is coming down to the wire! Our kids have survived this already difficult process in a frickin’ pandemic and we will get through this last hurdle too. The stress is real but we are all in this together.

Wishing the very best of luck and positive vibes to everyone waiting for results!!! BREAK LEGS CLASS OF '25!!!


Where is @StanfordAI2019 to bring some levity right about now. He must have quite a few good stories to tell.


Hi! I’m a sophomore MT at MMC who lives with 2 BFA acting majors. Feel free to DM me on instagram @karahandelman, I can ask my roommates if they’d like to chat with you!


Anyone familiar with Miami? My D got waitlisted and I am trying to understand if it is a waitlist for the university or the program/university. It did not specific at all–it read like a generic letter.

Anyone know? Any BTDT parents?

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anyone hear from Miami ??

If it’s like last year it is a WL for the program (and school). Also, not to be a spoilsport but I don’t think that WL moves much.

havent seen @StanfordAI2019 in a while so hope tagging him will bring him around :slight_smile:

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My son just heard and got in.


D just got a BOCO Contemporary Drama acceptance through email directing to portal!


My D got into BOCO MT. Last one. Now just waiting on waitlists. Anyone know when/how BOCO sends financials?


Syracuse anyone? Just wondering if they have decided to extend the mental torture program they got going one more week! :slight_smile:


It’s up there now. You have to read the acceptance page and follow directions. My D got nothing. This is her personal top choice. She is a high achieving academic student, but that doesn’t really come into play much there. I don’t know how we could afford this, sadly, with no help.

I have another daughter who is a sophomore at Miami. She is not MT. She came off of the waitlist on April 29. We lost the deposit at her accepted school, but she is super happy there. So I just wanted to offer that the overall waitlist can move!

My son just got into Syracuse acting.


Yay for him! Where did the notification come?

Congrats!!! My d is a freshman. Any questions please ask. :tangerine::orange_heart:


I asked her if she could see it. Darn teenagers. Thanks for the head’s up!

Yes!!! Congratulations! :tangerine::blue_heart:

Crickets here, but acting is what we are waiting for!!!