The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

@mythreelulus Congrats on having such a high quality dilemma! I was holding back on BoCo vs. Rider because I’m a BoCo parent so just a little biased :grinning:It’s 100% your daughter’s choice, but is sounds like she’s leaning BoCo. What’s the reason you’re feeling undecided? You didn’t give much detail about your situation - why do YOU like one vs. the other? I am happy to PM if you want some scoop and a more nuanced conversation.

Thanks so much for responding! I lean towards BOCO also because of the reputation and numbers on Broadway. I’m sure the training is stellar! That being said, I do think that Rider produces working actors. People land National Tours and leads in NE Regional productions out of school. I just want to have as much info as possible to help her with the decision. It makes sense to me that BOCO would have higher numbers represented on Broadway, because they have such a larger class every year than so many other top programs. I just want her in an environment that makes her happy and where she can cultivate some nice friendships along the way (in addition to the training, of course)!

can’t wait to hear what you decide! by the way so sorry for saying soon instead of daughter. i always confuse you with @indigo790 for some reason!!!


Check your junk folder for the financial aid. I found my daughter’s Purchase information hanging out in there.

Unfortunately (actually fortunately) my daughter is away at high school. She is doing her Senior year at UNCSA. They have had performances and master classes on the weekends to ensure that people aren’t leaving campus and coming back. She is at least 5 hours from us and without convenient airports, so traveling to see schools is just not happening. We did visit Marymount last year right before Covid hit. But that’s the only campus we have visited.


My daughter is in Boston now doing a second tour of BoCo (we visited in the before times) and she just texted that she’s committing. She got a tour with a student she had met during the summer program and literally everyone we have met there during the process has been so supportive. The training, the great city of Boston, and the ability to minor (she’s looking at Creative Writing) are giving her everything she needs. We are very happy and glad it all turned out this way despite the twists and turns of this journey.


@skymomia Let me be the first here, then, to officially welcome you to the BoCo (and Berklee - we leave near UC Berkeley - Cal - so we’re forever saying it’s the OTHER “Berklee”) family. So exciting and congratulations!


Awww thanks so much! So much relief right now, and the best possible outcome!

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That’s awesome! Congratulations! And thanks for sharing:)


We are down to the wire! My S was set to go to University of Utah for their BFA MT and is excited about dance there since that is his strength. He just got off the waitlist at Shenandoah MT where he can also pursue a dance minor but he is worried he won’t be able to dance as much. The voice training appears excellent at both schools. Anyone have any further insight into Shenandoah or Utah?

@Dance3Looks3 my old friend from class of "24 has a FR daughter at Utah hopefully she will get this tag

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Maybe @twoin18 has something to say about dance at Utah?

I don’t know much about MT but both the modern dance and (especially) ballet programs are strong. The dance program is somewhat competitive in the sense that not everyone will get cast for performances, I don’t know if MT is the same. The facilities are excellent and brand new, as are most of the dorms.

Utah is a great place for an outdoorsy kid, with amazing skiing 30 mins away and national parks in every direction. D has loved her time there.

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Hello- just a friendly reminder and request that if your child has eliminated a school, please release the spot as soon as possible. I know it’s not one-to-one, but with some waitlists being more like alternate lists, a release before May 1 might mean a kid who is waiting can be accepted before they have to put a non-refundable deposit down elsewhere. Thank you!


OK…I would love to know how many are out there, with offers, WL or “imaginary WL” still coming in- like yesterday :weary: Also- we’re trying to compare our options, and every single one of them is completely different- from location, to size, to scholarship $, to prestige. My boys went in with ''no" favorite school, so now this is getting very very difficult, with three days to go. If anyone is in the same boat, or can give any advice, could you PM me??


My daughter came off of the Pace waitlist and was accepted yesterday. She is still waiting and hoping to come off of the Texas State waitlist…not sure if that helps except to say we’re right there with you!


Haha!! Same scenario with those two schools, among a few others :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi mttnmom - My son has come off 3 WLs this month, 2 of those in the last few days. Before that, he had narrowed to a Top 3 and while he is still undecided, to be honest at this point he is so deeply connected to his top 3 through visits, zooms, engaging with current students, talking to department heads, etc., that I don’t think these WL offers are going to come into play, he just doesn’t have time to engage the way he has been with the Top 3. I think these WL would have been real contenders had they been offers earlier on (one of them in particular had long been a top choice), but now, with 5/1 almost upon us, there is only so much his brain (and mine!) can process, and expanding the Top 3 to a Top 5 seems to be moving in the wrong direction!! LOL!

He also went in without a favorite school, which I guess makes things hard now, but that was partly because the process was so overwhelming and new to us that it seemed like there was no time for making deeper connections with programs, and partly because it felt right to him to go through the process without becoming too attached to any places too early on, since acceptances are so hard to predict. I do think in retrospect we might have taken that a bit too far, because April has been a bit of a scramble! We sat down last night and had a discussion where we allotted 20 minutes per school (we actually timed it), and we talked through them one at a time , talking about each program’s merits and how it fits/meets the things that are important to him. We purposefully stopped ourselves from directly comparing schools to each other, taking the time to fully evaluate each school on its own (this is actually the process we use at work when we are hiring contractors). I think we were getting a bit lost in “well school A has this, but B has this, and C has that but not as much as A has that”, and so on. So separating them and focusing our thoughts on one at a time was an amazingly helpful process - although no, it did not result in a decision, it resulted in a high level of confidence that all 3 of his choices would be excellent for him, and it was really reassuring to come to the conclusion that there is no “wrong” choice. That said, he still needs to make a choice! Aggh!


Hi, if you are still looking to talk to someone about the choices I’d be happy to PM. I know two of the schools you mention quite well.