The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

HISTORICALLY, BW responds to fall auditions by January then ALL OTHERS in early to Mid March, last year we got an email around March 1 saying the email would go out on March 10th. at that point EVERYONE got NO, YES or Waitlist.

HISTORICALLY, OCU is 4 weeks post audition around 5pm EST on Friday ; so 3 weeks+5-6 days, and OFTEN the email went to peopleā€™s spam folder

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Thanks. That is super helpful. Hopefully they hold to that approximate timeline. We had to send her audition virtually, so itā€™s all very strange! I have read many threads from last year by now, and I appreciate you still coming around to answer our questions this year. I hope your daughter is doing well!

other than the obvious changes with covid ( no live performances being 1) she couldnt be happier- thank you

I hope itā€™s ok to post this in two place but I donā€™t know if yā€™all are the same people! I have a million comments so just ignore me if you need to!

My daughter has pretty much completed all of her auditions except for Montclair (which she is going to drop) and Molloy (I think she will also drop).

She made it to the first round at Juilliard but wasnā€™t called back and just heard that BoCo is a no.

This waiting is agonizing!!

She has been accepted to MaryMount (with a scholarship) and academically to Pace (with a scholarship). Her Ithaca portal still looks the same although Iā€™m reading that some people have heard? She felt like she botched the audition. Did anyone else get a message from Carnegie Mellon that their Acting decision date in the 17th? They were a no for MT but had her in the 3rd round for Acting.

Are the rest of the decisions really only coming on April 1st? Iā€™m not sure if I can survive! Weā€™re waiting for Boston U, NYU Tisch, Pace and Ithaca.

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lots of overlap bw the 2 threads, but this year the pre screen thread has lasted much longer than usual, by now everyone had traditionally moved to the ā€œventing , discussing threadā€¦ā€ ( this one) until the final decision one opensā€¦I suspect the new format is at least in part to blame as I havenā€™t noticed many long timers this yearā€¦best thing to do is read old venting threads & old final decision threads, that will give you good insights on decision timingā€¦they will come now through April but most are in late Feb & March, April & May lots of waitlist activityā€¦at least thats the historic cadence, maybe with the all remote nature of this year that will be different, rest assured its NEVER easy & every year haas its own unique challenges

Just my 2 cents but donā€™t drop any till you have an ARTISTIC yes would be my advice.


Was just curious. Both my boys are on the waitlist. I know of yesā€™s and noā€™s as well. Weā€™ve gotten emails from a few schools, saying that they ā€œremain in the pool for consideration.ā€ Just havenā€™t heard of anyone getting this wording from BW.

My D auditioned at BW (for the BM Musical Theater program) January 23rd and she said they told them decisions March 9th. She hasnā€™t received any communication from them since the audition.

We were in the fall batch of auditions. I know Iā€™ll never figure this process out- but itā€™s SO in my nature to TRY!!!

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Hi everyone! My D is waiting on a number of decisions like everyone else for MT and BFA Acting. However, she did hear a ā€œYesā€ from Cornish MT in Seattle. We have some family up there, so she auditioned even though it is not as known of national program. Anyone heard anything about the quality of the program there lately? We are not finding too much information online, other than they have a beautiful new dorm and she really liked the people she auditioned for!


Congratulations on Cornish MT. Yeses are worth celebrating! We did not apply there, but I have heard good things about that program. Hope someone else can be more helpful.

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Nothing yet on Wagner, but I know they are holding a virtual info session for admitted students on the 20th and a waitlisted students info session on the 27th, so hopefully we will hear soon. My son will need to cancel an audition most likely on either date if this is the case, so we hope we will know by Mondayā€¦ Best of luck!!

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We are also waiting for Ithaca & CMU (acting, round 3). CMU posted in the waiting room that kids would receive an update to their application on February 17. Not sure if that means that acceptances would be announced on that day, or if there might be some sort of final callback. Otherwise Iā€™ve heard they send out decisions on March 5. Iā€™ve read some people have received nos from Ithaca but Iā€™m not aware of any yeses yet.

Question for all: Are you guys attending the virtual info sessions, tours, etc. that the schools still on the table are sending you from the admissions office? Schools where you are academically accepted but still waiting on artistic? My daughterā€™s brain might explode if I put all of this on her, and it could then be a waste of time if she is not artistically accepted. Thatā€™s my thinking. The only tour we have gone on was one at TCU because it is her only school within easyish driving distance from home.

We of course ARE doing the MT-specific virtual Zooms with program heads, but otherwise, Iā€™m just researching online until we know about artistic. Thoughts?

We have been taking advantage of the virtual info session as often as we can. With auditions, school showcase rehearsal and interviews, we may have missed some, but hope to do more in March and April.

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No, we have attended the ones for the schools my son has been accepted to both academically and artistically but not the others. Our plan is to visit in April if there is a school that is in a city we are questioning and quarantine after.

We are hoping for March or April visits as well, as we (hopefully) get artistic acceptances.

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My son tried to do a ton back in the summer and fall, but isnā€™t doing too many right now, heā€™s trying now to just concentrate on schools with academic and artistic acceptances. Honestly it is just way too overwhelming (and logistically impossible, schedule-wise) to try to do it all for schools where artistic acceptance is uncertain. Everything in our lives is still all virtual, and we are all really really really Zoomed out at this point. Want to save energy to do more in March and April!


Also just a heads up that Getacceptd doesnā€™t seem to reflect the school decisions. My D was accepted to Marymount and Declined at Boco and neither of those decisions show on Getacceptdā€¦

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Congrats on Marymount! When did she audition for BoCo? I hate reminding my daughter to check all of her portals, but she doesnā€™t do it. I donā€™t want to remind her unless it was around her audition date, lol. Anyone else walking around on eggshells?