The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Hey, at least it means they didn’t lose our kids’ email addresses or anything, so that’s got to be a good sign, lol!!!


You guys crack me up. I have no idea who you all are or where you live, but we are all in the same boat!

I feel dumb asking this, but how do you know if there is an update? I am relatively sure my D does not get email notifications.

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Daughter received hers today. Not surprised by the deferral until artistic decision. She had only one chance at the SATs and the results were not optimal. At the end of the day not getting in academically if she does not get in artistically won’t matter.

I feel like we’re at the tail end of this! D still has 4 auditions between this weekend and next. We’ve only heard back from AMDA and it was a yes.

I was wondering if anyone’s student has auditioned with U of U this year? Her audition is Saturday and it’s the only one we’re having trouble getting a feel for before she zooms in that morning. Thanks in advance and congrats to all your hard working kiddos (I’m convinced this group is the hardest working college bound bunch out there!)

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I heard some kids who auditioned for USC already got the no, but no first hand confirmation that’s true.

Wonder when we will hear!

For which school?

I responded to All4FSU’s post that clarified Florida State’s admission process for '21 MT applicants.


Otterbein sending out emails via Acceptd to students still under consideration for its MT program.


You mean they are sending emails with decisions? Or still in the running emails.

They are sending out “no thank yous” and “still under consideration” emails

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Got it, thanks. My D is right now headed into a U Miami audition so I think I will keep this little piece of Intel to myself!!


My girl did BOCO MT on 2/1 and not a word yet. BAL everyone!


@Olsonfam26 if you are referring to Utah? my old friend @Dance3Looks3 class of '24 has a Fr. girl there- hope that helps…if not utah good excuse for me to say high to dance3 anyway :slight_smile:

hey! my daughter just got wait listed at marymount manhattan. we are actually excited after so many no’s to get a maybe! seems like a great place especially if you want to be in nyc. have you visited? thanks!


@dharmawins CONGRATS!!! Great news. I’ve been pulling for your D!

omg YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! maybe you sensed my desperation lol!!! how are things on your end?


what are you waiting on? sorry i get confused about who has heard from whom!! i know your daughter has several acceptances, correct? amd how did today go?

She has one acceptance and a waitlist. We are currently waiting on otterbein and Hartt both of which I understand have started notifying people but she’s not heard anything other than still under consideration. And I think everyone else on her list won’t notify until mid-March. So we wait!

got it!! yes the next two weeks will
be eventful for sure. wishing her all the best for her schools!!! my dd is doing walk ins tomorrow! great to have options.