The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Glad to hear! I imagine the investment of a coach is has some particular benefits this year where students may not have the same accessibility to their high school theater department as they would have pre-Covid.

Part of the deal of me posting about D’s journey is to not share where she landed. I’m thrilled to report she is thriving in her program. It’s funny, at the time I lamented at how Covid effected the final decision because she couldn’t visit accepted schools and wouldn’t commit anywhere she hadn’t toured in person, but I now believe she landed where she’s meant to be. She also chose a school where she was initially waitlisted. She came off pretty close to Decision Day. @NYYFanNowMTdad may remember the dates better but I feel like there was a bunch of waitlist movement reported on this board in those two days. So for those waiting this year, there was an initial wave all of w/l offers the same day from multiple programs. I tried to look but I’m struggling to search the dates in the old threads with the new format.


hi @Sitzprobe :slight_smile: :smiley:

I dont recall the exact dates but here what I can recall from our wait lists ( we had 4- 2 we got acceptances off of & 2 we removed ourselves from)

Ball State called accepted kids and made offers directly by Bill Jenkins in Late February, We got the call to come off the waitlist from Bill in early April & I feel like that was the beginning of the waitlist run throughout April.

Baldwin Wallace first made their offers from the Non-fall auditions on 3/10. we were waitlisted & we got the call on 4/26 or so…I think thats the window time from say 4/25-5/1 ( A good friend of ours got off the waitlist at BOCO on 4/30) that the flurry of activity occurred…I will say that Covid pushed the decision day from May 1 to June & July so there continued to be a constant drip of movement throughout the summer I think that may have been people waiting and hoping for an opportunity to visit but that never did come to fruition & finally kids said - I am going here & moved on, they ( WE ALL) need closure in this brutal process combined with covid we needed to make our most informed decision & hope for the best…then in July & August the plans for remote learning started to trickle in. I think @rickle1 was the first one with Molloy/Cap21. @onette had 2 kids last year with multiple wait lists & has 4 kids I think this year, so she may be able to shine more light on this topic.

Best wishes for you all. I’ll repeat a popular phrase from last year I learned from @lovetoact . They may not all end up where they belong but they will bloom where they are planted!! hang in there, this is no doubt nail biting time…have a drink or a few!


Hi! I think my dds did too!!? It used to say pending and today says admitted. Is that what your d’s portal says? She was academically admitted in December.


Yes! Click on Admitted under Musical Theatre and there should be a letter that pops up.

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Lol! Thanks! We didn’t think to click on it!

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Congrats to your D!

Yours too!

As @NYYFanNowMTdad stated, D moved off the waitlist at Molloy/CAP21 last yr. In her case it was very quick (as I recall it was a week or two after being put on the waitlist). She received an email saying she was on a priority waitlist and they were just waiting until they knew how many spots they were going to fill. Don’t know how many they took off the regular waitlist. She was also waitlisted at a few other programs and never really pursued them. She was going to accept her offer at Roosevelt and then the CAP21 thing happened.

I do think there will be more significant waitlist movement this yr as the whole virtual experience leaves everyone in unchartered waters. The other thing to consider is how the individual programs are responding to covid. Perhaps much of this will be less relevant going forward as the vaccination progress continues. Perhaps not.

Some programs are more virtual than others. In our case, Molloy chose to pass on last yr’s fall semester (as the conservatory is in lower Manhattan and the city / state wasn’t permitting much), so D was home in the fall and knocked out some core reqs and did have some BFA classes that could be done virtually - but know dance / acting, voice (other than individual zoom lessons). This semester has been hybrid - essentially they divided the cohort in two and are live 50% of the time to reduce density. So half dance / acting live and half virtual. To make up for the fall, they are doing a summer intensive - 5 days per week for 6 weeks. That should be really great but I imagine there will still be a hybrid component.

I imagine a viable option for this yr was a gap yr. We discussed it and D chose not to go that route as it would have required reauditioning and she didn’t want to go through that process again AND just wanted to get her life started. No bad decisions. Everyone is different.

Class of 25 should have a much better overall experience starting this fall as vaccines pick up and we’re way better at dealing with Covid today. However, I can’t imagine your audition process. If D would have been judged solely by video (prescreen), she would definitely have different outcomes. Maybe she would have had better videos too, but she really needed to be live. That’s a good lesson because the future may be more about video than we think and the amount of content being created directly for streaming services is huge (acting for the camera will become very important very soon)

At the end of the day, you’ll never know if you’re making the best choices as you can only attend one program. I know D is happy with her choice and ecstatic to be immersed in training and surrounded by other creative kids. Nothing is perfect, especially in a covid world. But these kids are resilient and motivated. It will all work out. Those that will make it will make it one way or another. That’s the life they’ve chosen.


I’d love to hear more about Molloy. We are still waiting on a response, having missed the early action date. My D has done well, but definitely would have done better in person. She has a very engaging quality in person that doesn’t always come through over zoom. I also wish we put the schools more important to her at the end. And I wish we got our prescreens done a lot earlier, but I was paranoid we couldn’t do them well at home, and that created an uncomfortable experience trying to get them taped. She kind of burned out in the fall, and was going through some very emotional stuff (a close friend passed away). It was too stressful a time and experience. The Jan/Feb auditions were a lot smoother.

So far she has acceptances at The New School (drama), LIU Post (MT), Hofstra (non audition), Emerson (acting/performance), AMDA, Pace (academic, waiting on artistic for BFA acting and BA touring), Marymount Manhattan (waitlisted MT).

Still waiting on Molloy (MT), BoCo (Contemporary Drama) and BU (BFA acting with MT concentration) and NYU- as well as BA/more academic programs at Brown, Barnard, Columbia, Wellesley, Wesleyan and Yale. Cost of attendance after scholarships and aid is going to be a big deciding factor for us.

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wow a lot of great options in there. Looks like she has acting and MT both, which seems great for opening up options.

hindsight tells us so much, and yet, how could we have possibly known all of those things? plus, of course her friend passing away was utterly unforeseen I’m sure. I am so sorry for her that is brutal.

Keep us posted!

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Can I ask when your JMU interview was?

Hi starbuck71. There are a number of very active Molloy/CAP21 parents on this board with students in different years of the program as well as a couple with students that have graduated that still check in. Shoot us your questions - you’ll get answers. :slight_smile: I’d recommend this thread: BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21 - #1339 by JavaJo


Thank you. Yes, completely unexpected and devastating.

Thanks! It is such an interesting program, but we found out about it very late, comparatively. Crossing fingers this is one that comes through for her.

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She auditioned 1/23 and then they emailed her 1/24 to invite her to an MT callback later that week.

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I can’t imagine! My DD has lost two peers, one to cancer and one to the flu!! However, while they were acquaintances they were not close friends. So awful.

Good luck to your DD with Cap21.

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My D an acceptance to MT at Millikin. Does anyone have experience with their program? Would love to hear about it. She also has an acceptance to MT at BOCO. So wishing we could make visits!


Would love to learn more about Millikin too> Congrats to your D!

Would also love to hear more about Millikin. D has a BFA Acting offer there.


That’s awesome!!! Congratulations