The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

My kid got a no from JMU too. At least we know and can cross them off the list now. Hang in there!

Thanks for the update! Mine auditioned 2/21 and also doesn’t recall them mentioning a notification date. Guess we just gotta keep being patient!

I did see that their last audition round was 2/21. So my guess is they may be in a position to post next week in early March. Fingers crossed for you!

Got no’s from both Ithaca and UNCSA this week. Moving on. And ready for the next yes!


Same here. We haven’t heard a peep and submitted last month.

Could just be that Oklahoma City University is backed up reviewing some submissions, or could be they sent a “no” by snail mail and it isn’t here yet. My daughter is a very strong vocalist, with classical opera and MT training, so I’d be surprised if she didn’t get an interview call back there. But we take nothing for granted, and stranger things have happened in this crazy process, so I guess we just wait and see! Still have nine schools on the table. The waiting is nuts!

does anybody know when exactly umich will start notifying people of acceptances for the MT program
 I know that their last audition is tomorrow

D just got a BFA no from TCU–she is really sad as she had felt really good about her audition with them and it was absolutely her top choice. They did encourage her to attend as a BA theatre student and consider re-auditioning for BFA at the end of next school year (maybe they say this to all). Also she only received small scholarship so it’s probably out of budget–we were hoping for additional $. She has other options but this one was really hard. Still waiting on Ball State.

My daughter also just got a no from TCU. It was her top choice and thought audition went great. Received similar letter so maybe this is his standard no response.

I am sorry if I am posting this as a “reply” to your original post but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to post on any threads in CC. Only how to reply to a specific post. This forum is very confusing!
My question is: for parents from last year, was there much movement on the Marymount Manhattan wait list?

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I recall that there was movement on the Marymount Manhattan wait list.

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Hi. Michigan will personally call you regarding acceptance to MT during the last week of Feb/beginning of March. Your portal will also be updated.
Best of luck! My kiddo is UMich MT and it’s a wild ride!
Good luck to everyone! I miss the whole process- enjoy it while it lasts - before you know it, they are off in the big wide world.


Thank you!

Good to know, please Michigan, I know it’s a long, long shot but

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Hello all. Has anyone heard from Illinois Wesleyan?

i have heard some kids have gotten yessss from IWU and some have gotten nos. we have had radio silence.

Nothing here either for IWU but they have another audition date scheduled for this upcoming Saturday as well so we weren’t expecting to hear until after that. Oh well - no news is good news???!!!

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i agree no news is good news

No news here from IWU, but admissions did text D stating that theatre results would be posted in the next 2 weeks. She also had a current student reach out via text today to answer any questions she has.

ohhh! cool! my theatre results do you mean MT? or is there also a straight up theatre program? thanks