The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I do think one aspect of missing the in person auditions is seeing the incredible talent. During Pace’s auditions at Chicago Unifieds you could hear the kids singing for MT and they were so insanely amazing the parents in the waiting room would tear up and a few nearly got standing ovations they were so incredible. Talent is subjective of course but the pool is rich with incredible kids. Most of the picks are about fit. In hindsight we know more about the schools and who they picked our year based on our friends and it mostly makes sense, lol and many we think would’ve have been a bad fit on our list with more insight. Hang in there folks!


@tennessee1 CMU just sent out messages through Acceptd a little while ago. I think it’s the no’s but maybe waitlists too if the yeses got called yesterday. My daughter got a no. BOL to your kid!

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She applied EA at Emerson. Got a quick redirect, had her audition and heard just before Christmas through an email directing her to her portal.

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Thx for letting me know. Did she get an email letting her know she had a getaccepted message?

Yes, you can see the whole message in the email or go into Acceptd. My daughter was Acting. If yours is MT, maybe different.

No she’s acting. I’m driving and she’s in yoga so I’ll let you know when I hear from her

My student just got an email from Wagner about tours for admitted students… only we have not heard a yes or no yet. Thinking this might mean an academic yes, but artistic no. Anyone hear a specific yes or no from Wagner? I’ve only heard of WL notifications so far…

What time did those emails come out?

Got the same email. Don’t they know many kids are on pins and needles at this point? Felt the same when waiting for prescreen results and DD was getting happy holiday messages #justsayyesorno


I’ve got to think they notified accepted students by now, so this is likely the precursor to a snail mail academic acceptance. :woman_shrugging:

(TISCH) Does anyone know when Tisch MT decision is released?

My daughter seems to remember that they told her April 1.

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Historically NYU releases all admissions decisions on April 1. If you chose to audition for “all studios” you might get a yes, but will not know the actual studio assignment until sometime in May. So you have to decide to enroll blindly, without knowing the exact studio you’re placed in. If you auditioned for MT only, then the April 1 decision will be much clearer. Hope this helps!


@tennessee1 CMU no email came at 12:46 EST

Saw earlier on this thread that there was rumor Malloy may start contacting on March 4. Anything to that?

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Earlier today there was a post calls started for TXST. Also saw about a week ago TXST was going to be about 2-4 weeks behind due to the bad weather. Curious has anyone gotten calls or emails for TXST and if yes was it for MT or BFA? Ty


On the Molloy thread, some parents have attended info sessions recently where Rebecca indicated that they’ll be making decisions after their last info session which is tonight. They expect decisions to come out next week.


My daughter went to the info session today and she remembers hearing that there’s a possibility (slim) they’ll have decisions out this Friday but if not they’re thinking Monday. Fingers crossed!


A no for my D as well. Moving on…

D was accepted into the university and redirected to BA. We got the BFA rejection last week. :frowning: We were so sad.