The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Nope we got a rejection - Congrats on the waitlist!!

Sorry about the rejection, and wishing you all the best. I didnā€™t mean to come off so smug in the MM comment, and I apologize for that. Just such a tough process, which I know we ALL knew ahead of time, but thereā€™s truly no real way to prepare for it.

I am so sorry you are feeling this way. Everyone says to trust the process, but Iā€™m sorry, this year I just donā€™t. Virtual auditions, which allow for very little feel for the person on the other side of the table, are not a good way for our kids to show themselves. Recorded dances versus dance calls donā€™t show a childā€™s ability to pick up choreography quickly and adapt to changes. But this is the hand we are dealt. I might not trust the process, but I DO trust my childā€™s talent and work ethic. These kids will land where they land, and they will bloom where they are planted. Really hoping you get a yes soon.


and to let you know how all of this makes no sense, my S got a no from MM!

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DD is also waitlisted at Marymount Manhattan for MT. Yes for MT at LIU and AMDA. Yes at Hofstra (no audition), Yes for Emerson and The New School for Acting.

Waiting on Molloy and BU (both currently at the ever-changing top) for MT and NYU for either MT or Acting , Waiting on Pace (academically accepted) and BoCo for Acting, as well as Brown, Barnard, Columbia, Wellesley, Wesleyan and Yale.

Nos from Juilliard, CM, Ithaca and Hartt (the only school she didnā€™t move on from prescreens).

What a crazy journey this is!


does anybody know anyone who has heard back from umich MT?

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Isnt it so crazy! My S had no on prescreens for CMU, Pace acting, Hartt and BU but was accepted to emerson, New School, UCONN, Fordam and the likely winner UNCSA, how insane this whole process is! Makes you see that it isnt all about talent, huh!


My D was accepted to Marymount just as an FYI!


Waiting on AZ, too. I know many who are waiting, a small handful of yeses, and havenā€™t heard of any noā€™s.



I think we hear back all at once (at least thatā€™s what theyā€™ve done in the past), but still no news.

@namenotusedyet You didnā€™t come off as smug - I just wanted you to know. I love hearing either way. It is good to know, and we can all use what hope there is out there!

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Itā€™s ā€œBeen There Done Thatā€ :heartpulse:


This format is so impersonal and brief I do hear those accepted as sharing to help. But I admit itā€™s hard to post and convey the compassion we feel. And itā€™s even harder to read, but Iā€™m always glad to know!


Iā€™m curious, does anyone happen to know the time span between UMich MTā€™s final audition and when they sent decisions out for last yearā€¦?

Hang in there everyone! Something that helps D tremendously when all of the Waitlists and Rejections started rolling in was to think about the scope of what these panels are trying to do. In their shoes based on all the talent we saw, I could maybe pair down 400 auditions to 200 kids, after that it has to be about things out of our kidsā€™ control that would bring it to 100. After the talent pool is still so high, I have no idea how I would choose. And some of these programs have 12 kids! I imagined faculty with headshots up on a wall while they shot darts blindfolded. So many talents kids, not enough seats. What happens this month is not an indicator of the career your kid can have.


I think this is a hard year too. (ie:U Mich with 200-300 more auditions than usual). Not only with numbers being high, but the lack of in person. I also think it sucks that some people actually took their dance requirements to an instructor and practiced with instruction before recording at their studio. So although at home leveled the playing field in some areas, it created enormous advantages in others. Iā€™m not really complaining about it-itā€™s just an observation, and Iā€™m sure it will all work out for everyone. These kiddos are gaining strength quickly!


My D received a redirect to BA theatre with MT minor at UNCG. They only take 6 in BFA is my understanding. Hang in there! This process is brutal! Ugh


Hi all - first time posting here, but have found this board helpful for many months! My DD has acceptances to U of the Arts and Marymount Manhattan (BFA MT for both), a waitlist to Wagner and recent noā€™s from CCM, UNCSA, and UNCG. Sheā€™s waiting for Arizona, Wright State, TCU, Illinois Wesleyan, and Fordham, all of which I have heard have notified some students of their decisions. Also waiting on Muhlenberg (I know they are notifying on the 10th), Coastal Carolina, Northwestern, Florida Southern, Ohio Northern, BW, Pace, MSM, and BOCO (I know these last four will be notifying mid-late March/April 1).

The waiting is awful, though my DD is taking it much better than I am! We hope to visit some schools in late March/early April, though her school has a rigorous policy about having to quarantine for 14 days if you leave the state for more than 24 hours, though that is probably unavoidable assuming she gets an offer from any one of the schools I listed where we are still waiting on decisions. The ā€œplannerā€ in me is eager to map everything out and see what is feasible in this Covid-constricted times!

Any insights or updates from those who have heard or BTDT parents on the schools from which we are waiting to hear? It is so helpful to have this community in which to wait together. BOL to all who are hoping for good news soon!


When did you all hear about Emerson, or was it a certain amount of time after auditioning? And how did Emerson contact with the news?