The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

We heard from Utah on Monday via email.

My S did one yesterday and really enjoyed it!

Oh sorry @Xena11 , I didn’t finish reading your post fully. We received an acceptance on Monday.

We got the invite to sit in on a class from BSU as well - got the link and codes. Totally gave us false confidence. Then last weekend the rejection just a day after they sent her the class link! So not cool. :frowning:

(BSU) Same here. Taking second class next week. No decisions yet.

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(Utah) we heard Monday night. (BST) Still waiting

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A massage. . . singing “I remember those well.”

My coping - My friends, both MT and Non-MT. They are willing to listen at a moment’s notice. Crocheting and wine are a close second (stocking stuffers are done for 2021 LOL).

I also have DM relationships with some of you and that has helped tremulously too. I’ve given myself permission to mourn the loss of Senior year along with DS. He is an only child so there will be no fussing over homecoming or prom. I won’t get to see his last high school performance in person or fuss over all of the kids backstage. And while I have no desire to walk through a snowstorm, I wanted his first trip to Chicago to be our last big mom and son trip. And I wanted to meet some of you in person.

11 schools - 8 prescreens - 1 prescreen rejection - 9 auditions - 3 BFA rejections - 1 BA acceptance - 1 BFA acceptance - 5 left to go (4 - BFA/ 1-BA). His list only had 1 school that “didn’t spark joy” (my term not his lol). And to the parents of future classes, one piece of advice - make sure their final list is one that sparks joy for your child. That will make March a little bit more bearable.:heartpulse:

Rant over! Thank you for listening. And in the words of my dear Persephone, “Anyone wanna a drink?” :wine_glass: :wink:


Any FSU MT acceptances or passes? I heard phone calls were going out two days ago
 haven’t heard yet either way. Wondering who else is in limbo.

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Okay your comment about Chicago made me tear up. I was hoping for the same for Unifieds for my D and me!!!


We also have not heard either way from FSU. Fingers crossed for us both!


We haven’t heard anything. His portal hasn’t changed (he was accepted academically on the 18th with acceptance to the School of Fine Arts pending a “successful audition”. I understand that waitlists have gone out too. One thing I was wondering if both the Theatre and the Music Dept had made calls. I think it happens at the same time, but FSU has a different system.

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lol i would call it “demonstrated interest” :blush:


I just wanted to sit in the halls and absorb the music. I figured it would be All-State Chorus on steroids . . . :sob:


I am feeling all of you. But I can tell you there are plenty of us on this forum whose kids last year got 8, 10, (sometimes more) no’s in a row. And waitlists. Lots and lots of waitlists. Some were on 6 or 7 waitlists with no direct offers or with one offer that our kid didn’t like. And then there was also the rare kid who got 10 offers and was confused and frustrated about how to navigate those choices during a pandemic. This year is no different!

Most kids are going to get a LOT of no’s in this process-it is just a numbers game. But you don’t understand that until you are in the thick of it. I remember the head of UMich last year telling the kids during callbacks that you cannot let the college auditions process define who you believe you are as an artist. Most kids are going to land in a great spot - they may not have all the choices we would like but they will end up in a program is a good fit for them. And for those who don’t get what they want, I can tell you my daughter is thriving in her gap year.

It’s going to be ok. These are terrifically talented kids and more than anything we need them to understand that their self worth and confidence comes from within - not whether they are waitlisted or not. It’s going to serve them well. So from the mom of a kid who was beaten down in this process last year, I can tell you her perspective now is a 180 as she came screaming in my room last night “I was waitlisted at FSU!” It’s a great thing! Take the little wins! And remember that anything can happen. It just takes one school. :heart:


I know! As stressful as I knew it would be, I also thought it would be such a memorable time together! We tried to make her audition weekends fun around here in an effort to make up for that loss.


My D didn’t apply there, but that sounds really, really crummy. Shame on them!

FSU). My son applied to both Acting and MT and was accepted into Acting program on 2/18. He didn’t have his MT audition until 2/28. Sounds like a likely no

Are you guys taking virtual or in-person classes at Ball State? We are in Texas - too far from Indiana to visit unless we have an offer from them, and not sure I want my daughter to fall in love with a place unless we know it’s really an option. We also have not heard from them artistically. Still waiting! Fingers crossed for everyone.

We are still waiting for Shenandoah, Ball State, Webster and Texas Tech.

My D is in limbo on FSU. I am hopeful 18-20 acceptance calls will take at least 3 evenings to make!

We were just in Florida. It is warm and lovely and I tend to think they have a better chance of being fully in person in the fall.

Hoping, hoping


THIS! :performing_arts: