The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I wonder if and when they update the Pace portal. We haven’t heard a peep but know of four kids who got a yes. Do you guys think they’re done making calls?

UAB MT 2024: 12 (7 female/5male)
UAB MT 2023: 16 (8 female/8male)
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btw, this is my first CC post!


@theatremom1314 I don’t think Pace is done making calls. I can’t say for sure but I know kids who made it to the callback round for acting who were told they were yeses or waitlist that didn’t get calls yet so that’s why I’m guessing they’re at least not done with acting calls. I guess they could all be waitlists but that’s just why I’m guessing they’re not done so don’t hold me to it! Haha!


Random question for Point Park folks. Do you have an actual portal to log onto to check admission status? Or has all communicaton gone thru getacceptd? My son received a physical letter of academic acceptance into honors program in early January, but a portal was not mentioned. Have we overlooked something very obvious?
Delirious Drama Mama

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Port Park emailed notifications last year, followed by a snail mail letter.

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Thanks for that info💜

Re: Point Park - we had a similar discussion yesterday because we couldn’t find any reference to a portal! Thanks for the info.

@indigo790 I wrote to PP about this a couple of weeks ago. There is no portal for them so should be email or phone call. BAL!

international applicant here just got waitlisted by UCI for drama (I wanted to do the MT track), do I still have a shot at USC or UCLA? I got rejected for USC callbacks but I put BA theatre as my second choice. I also didn’t receive any callbacks from UCLA.

We have a similar story about point park. We found out in his admission portal. My son did not get through but we got accepted to honors and school so I reached out to ask about changing his major to undecided . They did and he received an amazing financial package. If only they had applied math. Good luck!!

My son got a phone call from Pace for MT BFA for fall. However when I went to his portal nothing had been updated yet. He said the person who called him said that portals will be updated sometime in the next 2 weeks and that additional admission info will follow. Hope that helps and good luck!


Also about Pace I received an email that said decisions will be updated by March 31st. Hope that helps others.

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I think what Pace did yesterday and Thursday was truly thoughtless. I was following Elle Woods and the forums on FB while these phone calls were trickling out. Don’t they know kids talk? It broke my heart to see the kids trying to decipher what it all meant and whether or not they would get a call next.

In this particular era, when kid are already struggling due to Covid and isolation, why create unnecessary angst? What do they gain from these phone calls? Whatever information or sense of short term happiness they may get/give, it is completely erased by the amount of anxiety they unleash on hundreds of other households. It has ruined our weekend in a way that other rejections have not—the uncertainty and the almost feeling of humiliation from having to refresh and live glued to the phone. We tried to be resilient, laugh it off, but it consumed our day and therefore, it was a real low point—and we have plenty of other rejections. My dd has been nothing but resilient and optimistic, but it is a particular brand of sadism to leave someone glued to the phone for 48 hours and still not provide closure. I have a very sour taste in my mouth from the way this has gone down. They have too large a group to justify this approach. It created so much drama in so many homes and for so many kids.

I can understand smaller schools like CMU doing this—they have a small group to call and they sent “no” messages along the way. But they way that Pace did it, with no context, no rhyme or reason, and leaving everyone second guessing and refreshing, not cool at all.

I will wait until this is over and my child is safely at school, but I do plan to send a letter to these programs about their decision release. For the “winners” —they get the whole following year to bask in their accomplishment but for the kids not picked, that is a little extra dose of humiliation that is not necessary.

Am I alone in this sentiment?


You are not alone; we had the same day yesterday, and this particular rejection has been so hard due to the nature of their notification process. They must know who is not getting in - why not update the portals? I realize this is a tough career path, filled with rejection, and this is just one more to add to the pile. Schools do what they have always done, but I have attended panels with admissions people from colleges and have heard them speak ruefully and dismissively about the online forums and how they make their job harder. This is the world we live in now, colleges should adjust and try to show some measure of grace and kindness to these young people who are working so hard, with their hearts so close to the surface. Thank you for this post - it is so eloquent and has brought me a little peace.


That is very sad to hear. After seeing See Our Truths, my D decided that Pace would not be a good fit for her so we had not even been paying attention. She was not called and did not receive an email rejection either but for her it does not matter. I do think it is rather thoughtless to just leave the kids hanging out there like this. My D has been accepted into other programs and rejected also and it all seemed to go rather smoothly as it seemed that portals were updated pretty quickly. I hope your D will get through the weekend without too much angst.


let me also say you are not alone, and my kid didn’t even apply to Pace. I truly think the whole process could benefit from an overhaul. In medical residencies there is a universal match day and everyone hears at once. You rank your programs and they rank their desired applicants and the computer does the rest. Most people match and if they do not there is a process to match remaining program slots to people without a slot.

I really think it is more than any individual school. It just makes no sense to have these kids on pins and needles for months and months sometimes. I’m not bashing the schools as much as the system.

Having said that some schools seem to have more grace than others in the process.

I’m sorry for all the Pace applicants that went through this!!


I am I total agreement. Thankfully my d is not on FB or any chat groups pertaining to this process. I only check in here occasionally because everyone seems so kind and supportive. We almost did not audition at Pace due to their current issues, but we did and now we move on. We have had a few schools say a yes, a waitlist and a few rejections. My d is very clear I only want to go to a school that wants me. Thankfully this will be over soon. Good luck to you all.


Sorry. Completely relate with the waiting. If not the phone like U of M then the portal like BW announcing decision day for Tuesday but not sharing at least to us until after 5 pm that day. I do not know how many times I checked the portal. I am a strong person but I would be a melted puddle after all the waiting , worrying, and hoping. These kids are AMAZING!!!


I was just telling my D about the match system and how it was for me when awaiting the decision about what internship I would get. Universal notification date was April 1 nationally by 7am PST and the phones began ringing. Within an hour it was all done and you were placed or not but at least you knew.

These kids are amazing

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