The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

If anyone’s d was accepted to CCPA, a few parents of current students created a FB page to learn more - CCPA parents of admitted students 2025


All great ideas above.
I definitely second accepted student virtual events, particularly if they’re geared specifically to the performance majors. Current faculty will be there and your student can get a feel for what they’re like as well as connecting with other accepted students.

Huge congrats on the acceptances to those program. I live near Tampa (UT) and can attest to the fact that their program is well regarded locally. I’d heard they had some relationships with the Florida theme parks, at least two years ago when my daughter consider the program, maybe someone can confirm. The campus is small, but very nice. (My next door neighbor is a junior there for a non-BFA program, and he loves it!).

All of those are programs where your son can make the best of it!!

Ask how many students have transferred out of the program.

I’ll add - ask WHY students have transferred out. I remember being very concerned about that when we were deciding between schools, but having heard what the schools said and then having observed it in my son’s class, I can say that there are many reasons why kids transfer out of a program. Many of them not related specifically to the program itself. Financial issues, figuring out that MT wasn’t for them after all and changing majors, roommate issues, significant other at a school too far away, homesickness, and being unprepared for the level of work and dedication required in these programs - most of them leave no room for much of anything else.


we are in the same boat with Pace over here. Son’s top choice so I think we will tour it but there are three other schools we are waiting on and two that he’s just decided are “no’s”.

My nephew goes to Tampa and he LOVES it! We visited two summers ago and what a great city it is. It has a cohesive city feel. Very walkable and vibrant for being a big city. There were so many cool things and places to check out. My son considered as well but decided against cause his cousin is there.

Good luck. It’s tough for these kids without seeing the campus etc. . I think my son is ready to commit to Pace even though we are still waiting on a few others. Seems like he just wants to start making connections and moving forward.

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Anyone still waiting to hear from Ball State? My D auditioned 1/30 and nothing yet.

Great advice thank you

Decision Day for Emerson! Times are in Emerson Admissions instagram stories. Good Luck all!


:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

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Broken legs to all the Emerson hopefuls! Terrific programs for both MT and Acting!

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Just to clarify for Emerson, their artistic and academic admissions are tied together, right? So, the decision today would reflect artistic as well?

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As far as I know. My D was early action (Acting) and got both together in December.

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My dd just got a WL offer from Ball State a few minutes ago so have your D check their email.


My daughter got a call Monday telling her she was on the priority waitlist for Ball State MT. I hear others are getting emails about waitlist now. So have your child check her email! I had heard that everyone would know something within the next week or so.


Heard today. DD is waitlisted to Ball State.


Did they happen to tell your dd how many kids they are Waitlisting on the PWL?

Re: Emerson decisions, I’m not on instagram, do you remember the times?

depends what region of the country you are in! Where do you live? And yes both types of decisions.

We’re in Virginia