The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

(PACE aid) Thanks. Also hope that is wrong. Thanks for the info. :slight_smile:

Re Pace - My daughter is a current student and I have never heard of anyone receiving any talent money. The money awarded in the initial letter is what is offered.
We asked last year about additional talent money or increasing the financial offer and were told, for incoming freshmen the letter was it, but in subsequent years there were additional scholarships students could apply for within their majors. They also mentioned getting a job with the university for tuition credit (call center, RA, Orientation Leader, Tour Guide, etc). We have not seen any additional scholarships for performing arts students offered this year, which is unsurprising considering how tight money is everywhere.

Re Pace - Thank you for that information. I hadn’t realized that. Since other schools have earmarked “performance or talent” scholarship monies, I assumed it was the same for PACE. Again - thank you for the clarification :slight_smile:
Would love to PM you regarding your daughter’s experience at PACE thus far.

Re: Illinois Wesleyan

I heard another round of notifications tonight and then all wrapped up by the end of the week.

All the best to everyone waiting!

Do you know how they notify??? Re: Illinois Wesleyan

others have said phone calls then emails. we haven’t heard yet

Re: Illinois Wesleyan, my son heard last week via email notification to check his portal (email came mid afternoon). The acceptance letters were in his portal. It was followed up by snail mail copies a few days later.

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Hi All! I’ve been out of town Spring Break with a different D, so took a welcomed step away from the madness. Congrats to all who have had acceptances roll in. My D was waitlisted at Pace. That makes 2 acceptances and 3 waitlists. Still waiting on two more. We are all pretty chill around here now. Just waiting and then analyzing numbers/choices. Thanks for being a safe place to talk about all of this!


thanks for clarifying!!

I have heard that American is coming out tomorrow. In the past they have sent snail mail but I am hoping they email this year. The mail is taking so long!

re: American. I posted yesterday. Received an email saying it will come out tomorrow after 3 pm in batches. Update will be on the Future Eagle Portal. Fingers crossed for great news!


Still no Emerson, right?

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RE: Emerson, well my D has the access not me, but she has said nothing. I’m not bringing it up either!!

No IWU calls? @Bigtheaterfan?

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Nothing here from Emerson yet

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(Emerson) Crickets over here.

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IWU crickets
he said tonight. So still hope!

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We are having a very hard time assessing some of the programs our son is looking at
 He got admitted to screen acting at Chapman, MT EA Emerson, MT BoCo and MT at Tampa. We have never visited any of these schools are struggling to figure out how to assess the quality of the programs. Ideally, we would love to see some clips from theater productions etc just to get an idea of what to expect.

Any advice on how to learn more about these programs? We are considering traveling but I think Tampa is the only program where we can get a proper tour. Your advice would be appreciated.


First of all congratulations to your son. Those are great programs!!

I would suggest a few things and look forward to hearing from others as well. Definitely search youtube for a few types of things from each of the schools: senior showcases, and any actual show productions.

Also, are they offering any virtual sessions at the schools for accepted students? At schools where my D is accepted there are accepted students sessions that have been very informative.

Look at curricular requirements for each of the programs
how do they compare? What are the overall requirements and what do the four years look like by semester in terms of coursework?

Look at faculty bio’s. There are often lists of the top 30 MT programs in the country by year to look at; I can tell you now BOCO is going to be at the top of most of those lists. It is also very well represented on Broadway.

Hope that helps and I’m sure others have more ideas.

Good Luck!


I’ve been checking the portal and email and still nothing from Emerson.

Agree with @dharmawins on all. There are freshman showcases, too. Your kid can join the social “accepted students’” groups. Upperclass students participate and (of course they are biased!) but you get a great feel once you get to know some of the kids. I recently saw my journal notes from around this time that said, “well, she’ll be in CA, Florida, NY or Boston.” There was no way we could visit all those campuses as an accepted student (even in a non-pandemic year.) So we just had to narrow it down and go with the favorite. Great choices for you.