The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Hey when does UNCSA send out decision letters/emails? Lol my brother was so nervous he says he told them and he leveled out after that. He’s nervous cause he says he couldn’t tell how the audition portion went but that the convo part went really well.

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UNCSA always calls by phone if accepted. UNCSA has been known to call day of audition, few days later or weeks later.


I thought they said they don’t make decisions until they’ve finished all the auditions? I think the last ones are virtual on like Feb 20th

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Last year the started to call in a batch after the last audition, I dont remember the exact day. My son was one of the last ones called. I just looked it up, got a portal update first week of March, the phone call was at least a week before that, BAL to him!


Just a general question: thoughts on thank you notes after auditions/interviews? Is it important? Should you expect a reply?

Definitely for UNCSA, and he did get a reply, I do not believe that the reply meant anything, Quinn and Scott are just wonderful people and I believe that people who were not accepted also got responses to email thank yous. The only place he did not send a thank you email was to NYU because they specifically said not to and he was not even given the interviewer’s name.

Thanks for the information! My son hasn’t sent them very often.…even when really loved the audition. Sometimes it was a full panel of faculty. Wonder if it’s too late now.

Probably not, and probably not needed, I am a big believer in thank yous in general and that you cant be too polite. But I dont think it makes any difference.

Maybe not thank you notes, but I do think for some of these schools showing interest is important - going to the information sessions, attending virtual events etc. I’m sure for some schools it doesn’t matter at all, but for others I think it can help move the needle if they know a kid is really enthusiastic about their program.

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I definitely think that made a difference for the schools that did not have a live audition or BA acting schools where you sent in an acting supplement. Meeting the faculty, attending a class, definitely made a huge difference.

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Ok cool thank you! He’s doing his financial aid for UNCSA today. Does it matter much that he missed the priority deadline on the 1st?

That I dont know. It is a small school and the woman in the financial aid office is very helpful.

When my S went through the audition process last year. I followed the Class of 2025 pages for Acting and Mt. There was definitely a girl who received an acceptance call, literally right after her same day audition and she is now at UNCSA, per her parents post stating so (last year all Auditions were virtual). Why I stated “has been known to.” I remember this clearly, as it is where I learned UNCSA calls by phone if accepted. It is a fantastic program, best of luck!

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I believe that was an exception. UNCSA has also already accepted a few kids through Lin Manuel Miranda’s program to increase diversity in drama programs.


My D received her merit scholarship from Montclair with her acceptance package from the school, so check your school acceptance letter for that information.


I agree with demonstrating interest makes a difference. One school was especially persistent about making sure my D participated in the virtual info session. They asked her to join one days before the auditions and she couldn’t. Then on her virtual audition day they had one but did not notify her in the itinerary to plan for it and she had scheduled something else - so couldn’t stay on. Then sent her an invite to another one for the next week. Once she finally had that time - it was worth it - because just a few days later she got her yes! She may not end up at that school due to distance from home & finances - but YES demonstrated interest does matter for some schools.


Can anyone compare Baldwin Wallace, PACE, Ithaca , Emerson, SUNY Purchase and UCLA for Acting/Theater. My son has been accepted to all except UCLA (still waiting). He received a huge merit aid for BW and decent ones for the others but Ithaca and PACE are extremely expensive. Not sure it’s worth it? Wondering about contacts in the field, teaching…… thank you.

When did you hear on SUNY Purchase? Wasn’t aware they released offers yet.

He heard a couple weeks back.

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Sounds like you have a lot of amazing choices. :slight_smile:

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