The college high life

<p>came across this article, just wanted to share. </p>

<p>The</a> college high life: hot tub, valet and concierge</p>

<p>pretty fancy with valet parking and all that.</p>

<p>lol............ To be honest.... I'd do a lot for some valet parking.</p>

<p>I wouldn't mind the birthday card with starbucks giftcards either hehe</p>

<p>I must say I'm a little dissapointed that I live in North Carolina and never heard about this life of luxury I could be living. Just Kidding.haha.</p>

<p>Wow, I know someone who works there and they were talking about that XD it sounds like an...interesting way to attract students</p>

<p>out of curiosity, I visited their website just to find out if they are charging an arm and a leg so they could finance all this extra stuff..... I was surprised.</p>

<p>High</a> Point University © 2008
High</a> Point University © 2008</p>

<p>I have a friend who really wanted to go to High Point University, but is going to Johnson and Wales instead. I have no idea if she didn't get into High Point/couldn't afford it, or if she just changed her mind between last fall and now- but if it's the latter, and she's depriving me of a chance to go visit her and take advantage of some of these perks for a weekend, it may be quite difficult to forgive her. =P</p>

<p>^^^ rotflmao I would be mad too</p>

<p>haha the title of this thread was so promising..and then i found out it's about rich people instead of weed..</p>

<p>^^I thought the same thing LOL</p>

<p>i'm at the wrong school.</p>

<p>although I guess they can afford to still charge only $30k given they clearly aren't paying for quality professors/research.</p>

<p>id rather have a miller highlife.</p>

<p>...but what if you have a summer birthday?</p>

<p>Obviously, I chose the wrong college.</p>

<p>omg this is hilarious ahahah can you say South Harmon Institute of Technology?</p>

<p>^ I was about to say the same...</p>

<p>I wish my school had a hot tub in the middle of the campus! Seriously...</p>

<p>Mom here....of a soon to be freshman at HPU. My daughter chose this school, after much research and 3 visits, because it has an acredited program in her major, is a fair fit academically, is an excellent fit regarding size, location, individual attention, academic support, and values portrayed by the president and administration.</p>

<p>Yes, we are amazed and sometimes laugh at the amenities but the atmosphere certainly shouldn't hurt her pursuit of education. My kid is about as far as you can get from a spoiled, rich kid, partying slacker. Time will tell if we made the right choice.</p>

<p>i wish i had known about this sooner... (sigh)</p>

<p>The college marketing wave of the future?</p>