The College Struggles With Economics

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>A</a> Small College Struggles With Economics - Readers' Comments -</p>

<p>Gah… I’m one poor sunofa*****. I’m really thankful for financial aid’s efforts. I hope I can stay at the school though for the next three years!</p>

<p>(The article says that Reed had to change its acceptances before they were sent out. 100 needy students were knocked off the list in favor of 100 full-pay students. Welcome to realityland.)</p>

<p>And yet… well qualified full-pay students were nevertheless rejected. It’s still not easy to be admitted to Reed, even as a full-pay student.</p>

<p>I think there are many other colleges that did similar things, Reed is just exceptionally open about it.</p>