The "Determine my Score" thread

<p>Instead of making my own, I guess it might be good to create one for everyone. </p>

<p>English: 2-5 wrong
Math: 3-5 wrong
Reading: I guessed on 4 or 5, so I'm sure I got at least 2 of those with luck, and got like 5 other wrong. So maybe 7-9 wrong?
Science:4-6 wrong</p>

<p>Of course our estimates can vary from what we really got, but it's just a general idea, and I'd like an approximation of what my score would be.</p>

<p>i don't have the Real ACT Book, so i can't look at conversion charts... is there a conversion chart somewhere online?</p>

<p>about a 31.</p>

<p>there's no way to tell because the curve is different each time.</p>

<p>English: 2 wrong
Math: 3 wrong
Reading: 2-3 wrong
Science: 4 wrong
Essay: 11 or 12</p>

<p>Took me 5 minutes. Enjoy.</p>

<p>score Eng ma re sc.
36 75 60 39-40 40
35 74 58-59 38 39<br>
34 73 57 37 -
33 72 56 36 38
3271 55 35 -
3170 53-54 34 37
3069 52 33 -
29 67-68 50-51 32 -
28 66 48-49 31 35
27 64-65 46-47 30 33-34
26 63 44-45 28-29 32
25 61-62 41-43 27 30-31
24 59-60 39-40 26 29
23 57-58 37-38 25 27-28
22 54-56 35-36 23-24 26
21 52-53 33-34 22 24-25
20 49-51 30-32 21 22-23</p>

<p>Add your scores together and divide by four. Round to the nearest whole number. For example, if someone got a 33, 33, 34, 34, his score would be a 34 (33.5 rounds to 34).</p>

<p>is that a concrete score chart? as in... no mater what, if u get 2 wrong on science, you will have a 33? or is that a "guestimate"</p>

<p>Yea, that chart seems harsh...I hope it's a "guestmiate."</p>

<p>i've seen sciences that do -2 = 33 and ones that do -2 is a 35.. it can vary</p>

<p>i think this one is a -3 (maybe -4 depending on how others do.. unlikely though) = 33</p>

<p>i think this one is a -3 = 33</p>