<p>I got 0 wrong in english
8 wrong in Math
4 wrong in reading
5 wrong in science</p>
<p>I got 0 wrong in english
8 wrong in Math
4 wrong in reading
5 wrong in science</p>
<p>Composite: 32</p>
<p>I dunno, that's just my guess. Depends on the curve.</p>
<p>32.75 so 33</p>
<p>lucky you</p>
<p>heyli, thats just what im HOPING i got..</p>
<p>i know i got none wrong in english though i looked over everything twice and on the last ACT i took, i got a 36 in english so im confident</p>
<p>for math i got between 7-12 wrong, i rly dont know (i had to guess on 5 near the end blindly)</p>
<p>for reading, meh 5 wrong max </p>
<p>for science, 7 wrong max</p>
<p>idk i just rly want a 30 at least</p>
<p>btw guys, how did you calculate the score?</p>
<p>The Real ACT book has scoring tables in it.</p>
<p>I agree with you, the English section is by far the easiest for me.</p>