The doyen of CC..

<p>you guys make wanna cry. So are ya'll going to delete your CC accounts or abandon them && just never come back on?</p>

<p>& yeah, I myself is probably going to be too focused on college life to have time for CC</p>


<p> guys will actually abandon the website that helped you get into where you are
what a <em>shame</em>
tisk tisk tisk</p>

<p>I want to be one of the wise college students that answers questions and gives advice. :) I have 2 years of hs left, but I'll be back when I'm in college!</p>

<p>I'm definately going to try to leave. The ykey word being: try!</p>

<p>I don't think CC has gotten me where I am. I haven't really done anything differently since I joined... CC is just like the guidance counselor I never had! =)</p>

<p>i'll leave. I already basically left the first site that I went to (though it's kind of died out, Princeton Review... though I do e-mail a couple of people, still).</p>

<p>I registered on the Kaplan forum, but the site design or whatever you call it was so offputting that I abandoned it completely.</p>

You're such a bad bad boy!
Abadandoning Kaplan! After all she did for you!
go upstairs to your room!!</p>

<p>Kaplan is worthless.</p>

<p>switch to Princeton review then</p>

<p>whatever you do, don't trust collegeboard</p>

<p>psssttt. They'll rip you off. Shhhh don't tell them I told you this</p>

<p>no... trust collegeboard. i don't know about the classes, but the books are the only ones worth using.</p>

<p>if you're talking about the website.... then oops.</p>

<p>and the one topic I posted on the Kaplan forum wasn't even answered :( so that was another reason I left it. :p</p>