<p>My Title was hyperbolic to get you to come here. It is true though. Does this mean my life is hyperbolic? No, because if you add in all the nitty-gritty it becomes settled and human-like: never hyperbolic.</p>
<p>What would have you done for your child in this case? What would you say? I am at this forum because I know that many of you are involved in some part of your children's life, I have never had that, and I think that you all could help me.</p>
<pre><code> I come from the kind of home you would say out loud as modest, but in your head would think of as being dirt poor (college has allowed me to take out loans so that I now essentially have tons of borrowed items). Me and my family moved around a bunch. We had relatively less money than other families in our 'hoods, but we were living fine really. I was always the smartest kid in my class (my parents may have never finished HS BUT they exhibit so many special things an education can't teach and I LOVE them so much), but also the quietest, the new girl. I was in one of the best school districts with children who lived in Dear mansions, and I was gifted (my mom felt like somehow she this had given her a gift too). I never had a friend in school. I ended up in NYC, this time it was just me and my mom (food stamps, basement apartment; lowest 1 percent poverty level- longing for my missing father). I stopped being the smart kid and bla bla bla. No Holy Grail specialized HS. But ALOT of experiences that I still try to block out, alot of personalities I tried on and have thrown away as masks that I claim were never mine. I daydreamed in HS, I went to lunch through half my classes. I skipped. I barely passed. I got 45s (NYC code for too many "cuts"), 55s (you came to class but were more like a crash-dummy and 65s (you passed, now get the heck outta here). I crashed Junior year; depression, recognition: I used cynicism as my new mask. Until this day I wish I could go back, continue to be the "smart" kid, create purpose.( Oh, but I know I have created so much...)
<p>I am in my fourth year of college, and I have come such a long way!!! I am very proud of myself. But sometimes I look around in jealousy of those who at least had external stability. I don't blame my family structure and childhood on everything, but I have yet to come to terms with it. When I entered college I just wanted "A"s and I got them, that became un-challenging. For the past 2 years I have longed for a lifetime purpose, a calling, I have never had one. I was a kid who lived in an imaginary landscape (I like how we pretend people with strong imaginations manifest it to the external world and become "artists"; as I scorn it, it is what I am looking towards). I became more self-conscious as I went through elementary school; the imaginations more vivid:WHOLE new schools, friends; leprechauns. I am looking towards writing, maybe teaching, maybe photography- I am in flux. I am pretty smart, I'll admit. I have been called gifted now too. I feel that I have a very different perspective and perception of the world. I want to USE it. I have a lot of coming-to-terms with. My knowldege still needs to catch my thinking ability, if that makes sense. I am trying writing to come with terms with my life and who I am, but I am stull so much in flux.</p>
<p>So concerned parents of CollegeConfidential, what do you have to say?</p>
<p>Help me, before this gets deleted.</p>