The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

Golden Bachelor alert - I’ll be traveling next week so was checking my DVR to ensure I have the show set to be recorded (I have pre-programmed The Bachelor, The Bachelorette & Bachelor in Paradise) but it didn’t show anything being recorded - turns out they’re calling this one “Golden Bachelor” - if you’re planning on your DVR to record, check the title. Now I’m ready!

It’s only an hour long?

Yes. It precedes Bachelor in Paradise, which is 2 hours.

" Yes. It precedes Bachelor in Paradise, which is 2 hourse."
That’s an apt description!!

Glam for sure in spots. To me, these shows rarely mimic real life. Part of the fun of watching it is the occasional over the top, outlandish looks and personalities! Also finding someone to root for - and someone to root OFF (as in send home!)

If it was too true to real life people, it couldn’t probably be a tv show!


Yes, and I think as it goes along, you’ll get a sense of how these women are in real life. The contestants are always looking their best when they first arrive. No different than how people dress up for a wedding or special occasion. Doesn’t mean they do that all the time. Some women I’m sure like to look glamorous most of the time, and if that’s not what he’s looking for, they may get eliminated early. I’m looking forward to it!

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I just realized that I meant to post on this thread but posted on the trash TV thread. I was so set to start the Golden Bachelor’s journey tonight and am sad that it doesn’t stat until Thursday. I’ve been watching baseball almost every night and was ready to change it up. Oh, well. Go, Rangers!

So which thread is “the” thread for this ??

This one. As the title now abbreviated states.

The other “Bachelor” thread is long standing through other seasons of the first three editions of the show : Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise. NOT Golden.

It would be too confusing to have one thread for both shows and some people won’t watch both. So the two threads.

Bachelor in Paradise fans (starts Thursday also) join us in the OTHER thread!


I don’t understand the need for a separate thread. Personally, if we were separating shows, I would lump Golden Bachelor with the Bachelor & Bachelorette and give BIP its own thread. Are we assuming people will watch young people but not older people? If someone isn’t watching Golden Bachelor, they can ignore the other thread until January, when Joey’s season airs.

Normally, I’d agree. But in this case, the shows are running simultaneously. Not everyone will watch both. Even for those, like me, that will watch both, discussing both in the same thread gets confusing.


Old, love seeking people deserve their own thread. :older_woman::older_man:


Also, I’m one who draws the line at BIP – never watched it, never will. I definitely wouldn’t want to wade through BIP chatter to discuss GB.


I understand. No need to change now. I’m just commenting that a more natural separation of shows would be to remove BIP from the larger thread.

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I don’t know why I’m ridiculously excited for this show. That’s not true. I think I do.

One, I love love and hope to see a happy ending.

Two, the potential for what I perceive as a trainwreck. I’ll explain:

I love being 60. I know who I am. I’m wondering whether they cast people who are like me, who won’t do stupid things for a man, or are they going to cast older versions of the 20somethings – doing crazy stuff for clicks.


I can see your point of view. I fully support separate threads though (lol, and did start them both)

I think there will be a group of people who may watch Golden but it will be a “one and done” with the franchise. Because it was a show sort of unique to our demographic here, I thought perhaps more would embrace and join in the group thread to “watch together”.

I mean there are A LOT of names to grasp even in just one show! Doubling that and trying to juggle like 50-60 names in a thread could be wild!!!


No worries. It was just a comment, not a criticism.

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I haven’t watched the bachelor since the pandemic started. So BIP are people that I don’t know. The only way BIP works is if you’ve watched their seasons.

I’m happy there are 2 threads on this season. I don’t care which show has its own but merging the 2 seems confusing

What time will it air Thursday?

Check your tv/cable guide. We are all in different time zones which may effect airing time. :slight_smile: