The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

It’s been a while since I’ve dated, but I could figure out the toss pretty quickly. As well as keep for the moment. But keep forever based on a few weeks? No.

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I accepted my future husband’s proposal after knowing him only three months. That was in 1985. Best decision I ever made.

But if one of my kids did that, I wouldn’t be happy, ha.


Same with me. And keep forever based upon a couple of weeks where the guy has been courting other women and I was competing for his attention? Nope. In fact, way back in my dating years, when I started dating someone and the guy appeared to be interested in other ladies, I made sure he was gone so fast he didn’t even know what happened.

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I told dh I loved him after six weeks. Seems doable to me.


But, was he dating 20+ other women at the time?


I agree on the toss and as for the “keep” I guess I mean “worth pursuing “ - not call the officiant! :blush:


I agree you can decide whether to toss or keep cultivating a relationship, but even in your 70s, committing to a new marriage is a big step and is worth careful consideration, for me.

I’d be concerned about things Gerry has said to other women and how much to trust what he’s saying is enduring, given when he’s said to have told Carolyn and Leslie. I’m much more cautious about saying I love people—I’d be bad in an intense “reality” show.

I can see “getting engaged” for the cameras but I’d want a longer engagement of maybe 6+ months to a year to work out logistics, make plans and for me and my fiancee to be sure.


When I was a kid, my parents were friends with a couple who met during World War 2. She was a military nurse. He was an officer with orders to be deployed soon. They were both pretty religious and sex before marriage was unthinkable–especially because birth control wasn’t great in those days and there was a chance he wouldn’t survive. So, they got married…having known each other for 3 days.

It lasted until he died more than 40 years later. They always struck me as very happily married. I think some people do “just know.”


I am wondering if Gerry is some sort of con man or scam artist. The show was playing him off as wealthy, a “restaurateur” who retired at 55, yet when his actual work history is revealed, not so much. Then claiming that his work installing hot tubs and as a maintenance man was to “give back” to the community? I have no problem with good honest manual labor, but there seem like a lot of lies that are coming directly from him.

To add, did he actually say on the show that he hadn’t even kissed a woman since his wife died several years ago, and then the ex-girlfriend comes out and says she lived with him for almost a year? That’s not the script exaggerating or just certain clips being shown, if true, that’s completely on him.


Yes, I don’t see selling and installing hot tubs or being a janitor as “giving back.” It does sound like spin and Gerry is an amazing spinner.


Yep. And I think work of that sort is very respectful and something to be proud of, it’s not easy. But when you claim you’re doing it to “give back to the community”, you are implying that you are well off, and doing it out of the kindness of your heart because you’re charitable. This is sounding like a pack of lies. No wonder he doesn’t want to talk about his ex girlfriend’s accusations.

Even though Theresa had a long marriage, she really hasn’t dated much and may be wanting to be in love and have a relationship like the one she remembers having with her late husband. I think she could end up being hurt as Gerry has hurt the former live in girlfriend when things aren’t as rosy as they may seem at the moment.

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