The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

The Hollywood Reporter’s follow-up article to the original one talked about here:

After watching the Katie Couric interview, anyone else think that Susan could be the officiant?


I have to hand it to Gerry, he’s good about smilingly dodging things he doesn’t want to discuss. He could be a politician!


He appears to be very well PR trained and stays on message perfectly. It is the one thing that impresses me about him :woman_shrugging:t2: and his aw shucks demeanor just adds to the messaging spin - imo.

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Looks like Leslie’s $60K dress was the “proposal” dress after all, not the anticipated wedding dress. Was Golden Bachelor's Leslie’s $60K Dress in the Finale Teaser?

Wow—sorry I can’t imagine sinking $60k on a dress. That’s just insanity, imho. Maybe if you have money to burn, but not if you’re still hard at work. I can’t identify.

The producers paid for it.

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Like most human beings. We are sore things we don’t care to talk about.

I heard Timor of Susan officiating- maybe Kathy will be maid of honor! Lol

Susan officiating makes so much sense; unless she had no interest I can’t imagine why this wouldn’t happen. And Kathy being MOH is interesting theory too! I actually like Kathy and I think she was the victim of the producer’s quest to create drama. She seems to have formed close relationships with some of the other women, including Susan, and I did not detect any eye rolls from her during the finale! I hope we get to see her again.

Most leads were contestants first so had experience with camera angles, scripted lines, etc. If I remember correctly, production had more difficulty filming Matt James because he didn’t have the prior experience of being a contestant.

He is simply going to stonewall the subject of “Carolyn”. And so what? If he and Theresa are okay with it, then that’s it. I don’t blame him at this point for just letting the subject crash and burn. And die out.


He really shouldn’t have lied, nor the producers nudge him too. Surely they would have known this would come out. Him skirting the dating issue makes him seem more of a liar.

I like Theresa much more on these interviews, away from the proper. She seems sure footed, in control and ditzy.

I was surprised to learn the entire show is filmed in one month. Spread over this many women, how much one on one time could they really have! And they are getting married in a month. That’s just head scratching stuff to me.


That is how it always is and is what people often say - how much one on one time can they possibly get in that time! And probably why often (not always) the couple doesn’t last.

(Zach and Katy were in the audience - he was the Bachelor a couple seasons ago - looks like they are still together though they looked pretty stiff! )


Yes it is quick, but remember, it was filmed in August.

Normal Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons are a little longer than that. Joey’s season started filming in mid September and just finished a couple of weeks ago.

Ah, then it makes more sense. 3 months on, they probably have a much better idea if they are compatible. Add December, then that’s 4 months.

i liked this show. in some ways it seemed so genuine - at least compared to the younger set!!!
i will add, my 50 yr old sister met someone, and within just a few months they figured out they were going to get married. They did, and are so so so happy. (although they waited a year+ to get married after they realized that they were “their person” ! ) (** and when did this term – my person – start? i feel like i’ve lived under a log!)

Somehow, it seems safer to spend a bit more time getting to know someone without cameras before committing to a marriage, but hey that’s just me. August engagement after only knowing one another for a month and then a January wedding is too fast for me, but hey if it works for them I hope it works as they dream.

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I think it came from Grey’s Anatomy. That’s the first time I ever heard it.

Yes, but that example wasn’t the first instance in Grey’s. That came Season 2 Episode 1

They wouldn’t let me confirm my appointment unless I designated an emergency contact person, someone to be there just in case and to help me home, you know, after. Anyway, I put your name down. That’s why I told you I’m pregnant. You’re my person.

Afterwards, it was used ad infinitum between Christina and Meredith before being said endlessly by various Bachelor Nation couples.

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I’m not saying I’d do it after a few months, but after living for 60+ years most of it in a relationship, I don’t think I’d need years of dating to figure out who “my person” is. I think a lot of us could “keep or toss” pretty quickly now!