The greatest answer explanation in the history of CC

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Post # 224 and 225</p>

<p>Hahahahahah glad to see SOMEONE else isnt as anxious and stressed as everyone here</p>

<p>yeah that was mad funny
but what's funnier is that the following posts completely ignored that remark lol</p>

<p>exactly no sense of humor when it comes to the "ALL IMPORTANT SAT TEST"</p>

<p>LOL! A classic post!</p>

<p>I'll remember that one!</p>

<p>bump my funny comment =p</p>

<p>Why do people stress about answers? Your tests are handed in. Do something productive instead of being on the boards...</p>

<p>...oh, who the ***** am I kidding? XD</p>

<p>Lol, I love that nobody responded to that.</p>

<p>Lol, that was awesome. :)</p>