The grim state of Pennsylvania's state system: news article today

Is TCNJ known for grade deflation?

In Biology, because it’s a restricted major, but not in other majors AFAIK.

Would this meet most financial need?

This school does not promise to meet full need for all students. A $16k+ on-campus residential experience would likely be out of financial reach for families making under $30k.

$6k is more doable as a commuter, but there still would be housing and food costs, evening if living home with parents. The student would likely need to work part-time and during the summers (which many students at many income levels do).

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Half our family is from PA and we have spent a lot of time there over the years. Oldest daughter toured PSU before finally settling on an SEC school.

I think the difficulty with PA is geography. Outside of the two big cities the population is extremely dispersed and there aren’t really any major developed corridors like in other states. Here in WA perhaps 90% of the population lives along I-5 within possible commuting distance of one of the state schools. And outside of the I-5 corridor, all the other cities in the eastern half of the state have public universities or branch campuses. I don’t think there are any towns larger than about 10,000 that don’t have access to at least a decent community college.

I think PA just has more challenging geography compared to most other states for things like commuting to college. I have a bunch of family living in Mifflin County. There is really no place within driving distance except PSU, which isn’t an easy admit if you are kind of a mediocre student and not sure what you want to do. Shippensburg and Locke Haven are their two nearest PSSHE campuses and both are over 60 miles or 1.5 hours away which isn’t reasonable commuting distance on 2-lane roads.


So here is some crazy
 my current senior got LESS money then my college sophomore for the same school and my current senior has WAY higher stats then my college sophomore did going in. UGH

Budget cuts? Perhaps more competitive major?

No idea
 my current senior got a direct admit to the business school
 my college sophomore, while also in business did not.