<p>This happens quite often...</p>
<p>And we always end up saving it for some inexplainable reason :)</p>
<p>Bring My Thread Up...</p>
<p>Yes, it really is your thread isn't it these days? ;)</p>
<p>(you're the only one who enthusiastically posts here without fail :))</p>
<p>HAHA...Yeah..:p...Some should post in..</p>
<p>Me! I post!</p>
<p>YO...This thread has to go up now....
I think Noldo's orientation week has started...</p>
<p>Hello people. How's it going? Please take care of our legacy, keep tIT #16 up and fun.</p>
<p>If you have any questions or need help or something, find me on Facebook and message,</p>
<p>hello people (again)....</p>
<p>that's about all I say on the forums of this site nowadays <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>Thats what issac also keeps doing. Cut the hello and straightaway start talking.</p>
<p>YO..So, let's start then...
Hey everyone!...:p..</p>
<p>What, Caltech starts so late?</p>
<p>I thought the oritentation week was over long ago. I have a friend at Caltech.</p>
<p>Caltech starts in October.....</p>
<p>The orientation is way over. Status Confirmed. :p</p>
<p>lol....whatever be it..I have nothing to do with it..:p..</p>
<p>Lol. Isaac, what was your dream college when you were applying?</p>
<p>My dream...to join with Fuzzy and Spacepirate..:)..Cardinal Pride..:p..</p>
<p>^ cool...</p>
<p>hey everyone <em>this one was just to annoy AJay</em> :p</p>