<p>Does anyone know if the ACT score equivalent is plugged into the academic index in place of the SATI? From what I know of the index from having read Michelle Hernandez' book, "A is for Admission" one third of the index value is the total of your your highest SATI scores, a second third is comprised of the total of your highest three SAT II scores, with the last third being your GPA or class rank. See the calculator available from the main page to plug in your numbers: </p>
<p><a href="http://www.collegeconfidential.com/academic_index3.htm%5B/url%5D">http://www.collegeconfidential.com/academic_index3.htm</a></p>
<p>I used to work as an economist, so I can see the value of this index as a quick and a fair way to compare candidates based on ALL their academic factors, excluding outside activities. So far, my daughter looks to be a 221 on the index scale, using her 1400 SATI value, but, when I plug in a 1520 (the SAT-ACT 34 equivalent) her index value goes up to a 227 which is the difference between a 8 on a scale of 1-9 versus a 7. </p>
<p>Does anyone know if a higher ACT score value (converted to SAT I) would be plugged in instead of a lower SATI value? i.e. if a kid got 1400 on the SAT I with only one sitting, but a 34 on the ACT (1520 converted) would a 1400 be plugged in to the index, or would a 1520 be the value? </p>
<p>Also, does anyone know if the the new writing test will be considered as an SAT II?</p>
<p>new writing section will have different evaluation this .yr.... which wud be defintely diff that the sat2 subject treatment so far....</p>
<p>ur case the college shud have thier own standards of judgement on the ACT with academic index.....there is also a lot more to the application that the AI</p>
<p>yes, the ACT score would be converted by nearly all schools.</p>
<p>Thanks smartmind and bluebayou. </p>
<p>My D only took the SAT I once and got the 1400, and probaby would have done better the second time, but she is suffering from test fatigue, so i did not ask her take take the SAT again, since her ACT of 34 was much better and the SAT iis were strong. </p>
<p>Then I had doubts about whether I had advised her well (her counselor is unhelpful) -- thinking that the ACT is viewed as a stepchild, and perhaps not taken seriously by colleges .....</p>
<p>It makes a difference to us, since we were thinking of not bothering to apply to three tippy tops "stretch schools" because the application fees do mount up ---and I did not want her to bother with if there is a zero chance for her.. </p>
<p>Id rather spend the "stretch" application fees of $225 to help to support two families I care for in Indonesia-- $75 is three months income for these families and feels like a more gratifying way to spend my money than a slim lotto chance for a top college admission..</p>
<p>Anyway, thanks for the advice-- its all up to fate and a good essay now..... since she sent the scores and rec letters out and all we have to do now is hit send for the application and fee......</p>