The infamous countdown to I-Day

<p>My flight is scheduled to arrive on the 24th, what happens when I land? Does somebody pick us up at the airport?</p>

<p>You sign up for the bed and breakfast program if its not too late to do so</p>

<p>where is information on this? would I sign up online or through paperwork? Bah I hope it’s not too late.</p>

<p><em>edit</em> nevermind, I found the registration info online: due date = June 23rd</p>

<p>Online. You may be too late, as many of us have already received our host’s contact info. But here’s the site you sign up on, just click the link that reads “Bed and Breakfast Appointee Registration Form”. I would suggest you call them too to see if it is still possible to sign up. </p>

<p>Link to B n’ B Home page –> [Association</a> of Graduates - United States Air Force Academy](<a href=“]Association”>
Link to Information page –> <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Last free Friday…6 days…something about the World being created in 6 days…</p>

<p>your world shall be taken away in 6 days :D</p>

<p>goodluck guys you can do it</p>

<p>I don’t think I’m as anxious as I once was when I started this thread over 93 days ago… This is becoming very real.</p>

<p>I don’t feel very nervous really, but my appetite is nearly gone. I can’t eat nearly what I used to. I have lost some serious weight too, but I am excited.</p>

<p>Last weekend home…make us proud 2013 !</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Wings of Honor - Documentary Film Trailer](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - F-15 and F-22 Flyover](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - The New Academy Experience](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Parachuting into Ole Miss versus Florida football game](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Air Force Graduation 2007](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>That was bad mateus :P</p>

<p>to all the 2013ers:</p>

<p>i know that this’ll probably mean nothing, but since USAFA is all about some class pride, it may.</p>

<p>on my way back from the denver airport to usafa today, one of my friends told me that one of his friends, a 2013 appointee, was killed in a car wreck. less than a week before I-day. so please be safe when you’re at home, we dont need any more stories like that :(</p>

<p>other than that, see yall thursday! hehe</p>

<p>And getcherchinsin!</p>

<p>I had to say that!!!</p>



<p>to all the 2013ers:</p>

<p>i know that this’ll probably mean nothing, but since USAFA is all about some class pride, it may.</p>

<p>on my way back from the denver airport to usafa today, one of my friends told me that one of his friends, a 2013 appointee, was killed in a car wreck. less than a week before I-day. so please be safe when you’re at home, we dont need any more stories like that </p>

<p>other than that, see yall thursday! hehe


<p>Wow. Scary stuff. Prayers with his family.</p>

<p>Here’s the story if anyone is curious: [Friends</a> Remember A Beloved Teen Killed In A Car Accident - WOWK-TV -](<a href=“]Friends”></p>

<p>And then there were three days… I think by I-Day I’ll be walking around like a zombie.</p>

<p>No, your posture will be excellent.

<p>Rack that Chin!</p>

<p>This is a reminder for all current cadets to not drive on the footprints outside of Vandy Tower.</p>

<p>And get your shoulders BACK…and DOWN!</p>


USAFA '83</p>

<p>LAST class with a REAL “Hell Week!”</p>

<p>off topic, but guess what guys! i’m gonna be around for 4th of july! heck yes!!!
you’ll love me, soon-to-be-basics! ;)</p>