The Ivy League has done a great job, but there is great quality around the country

<p>No, I don't think so. Rather, life is just like a bowl of cherries instead! I still don't understand the point of your post, but that's okay. :)</p>

<p>If these other schools were hurting for enrollment or prestige, I could understand the need to repeat the message that there are more good schools that those found in the Ivy League. But these aren't unknown, struggling schools who are forced to beg for students, faculty, or resources. They're doing just fine.</p>

<p>There are, as we have seen on this forum, people who have a warped view of higher ed and may insist on applying to only Ivies. But their numbers in the overall scheme of things aren't that high. Sure, they're missing out on some fabulous opportunities by refusing to apply elsewhere, but it's their loss. And if they get in to an Ivy and cheerfully attend, it's not even really that much of a loss. </p>

<p>There is plenty of talent in this country and plenty of students who are smart enough to not be myopic about the Ivy League. I don't see the problem.</p>