The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

I’m sorry about that, though :frowning:

@UIButton‌ awesome! My club team just started getting ready for the summer showcases and I’m going to a college recruitment camp next week. Do you play?

@LaxPrep that’s awesome!! I do, but not very well :frowning: This is the first sport that I have been JV for lol!

Keep at it! Lacrosse is one of those sports that come with practice but it’s so worth it in the end

@LaxPrep Thanks!! I love it so far! It’s definitely not Field Hockey haha! I’ve gotten 4 balls (just today) in the nose but I love it soooooooo much!!

Do you play girls lax or boys lax? @UIButton‌

@LaxPrep girls :p. I wish I were a dude so I could get super aggressive and not get in trouble for it, but alas, I am a girl :smiley:

I’ve seen girls lax get pretty violent too

@LaxPrep I hope it does soon! I wish we had an MMA team… Varsity anndd winning haha! not to be over confident or anything :confused:

@UIButton‌ Girls MMA would be pretty epic

Just saying, but M9 and M10 are usually the busiest days of the PSF CC calendar. So this overwhelming angst you feel has been experienced by many before you. And dealt with by ice cream. I’m going to go eat ice cream. Been really craving a pint of the Colbert one… think it’s called Americone Dream?

@LaxPrep before I tore out my shoulder I used to compete pretty well! Lifting too!! I miss it :frowning: a lot :frowning: stupid shoulder :(. @mrnephew that is the best Ice Cream name I’ve heard in a long time XD

@mrnephew and thank you for the calming words haha!

@mrnephew the jimmy fallon one looks delicious as well

Any time. I did have two M10’s to go through, after all.

@UIButton‌ good thing I applied to 8 different schools. Thanks for the support!

Never had the Jimmy Fallon one. Willing to try though.

@estruck12 just remember, each school is looking for different things. It’s unfortunate that you had to get a waitlist notification as your first one, but with decent qualifications and 8 schools i’d say it’s likely you’ll get into at least one. So don’t feel bad, and delve into that ice cream!!

Seriously, when you’re feeling down, go with the half-baked. And there’s a thread in the past somewhere about what songs you should listen to when you get accepted/rejected? That helps a ton.

My first notification on M10 was a rejection from Hotchkiss. Considering that my interview there was the best one I had, I was kind of shocked, tbh. And then I listened to that playlist for two hours and had some half-baked before the Loomis one came in.

My friend got rejected from my school… it was a super awkward conversation but in the end, he turned out just as successful as he would have been here :). The school you fall in love with on the outside might not be the school you fall in love with when you’re inside :slight_smile: You got this!!! Any school would be lucky to have you, and Peddie will be disappointed when they realize they missed out on such a super fantabulous person!! Also, there’s no say that “waitlist” means definite rejection!!!