The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@02gloves @vanillapuff I’m only applying to two schools >.<

Im not applying to Exeter! But I stil l have some tough schools to get into. And I rest my case about the swimmerd lol

Yes, the competition on here is overwhelming but it seems realistic. When you look at “College Confidential” on Urban Dictionary or other social media you just see people complaining about how much they hate CC and how much their self esteem goes down by.

Yeah very true I’m constantly comparing myself to “smarter, better candidates” than me on here, but hopefully this thread can be more supportive than competetive so we can all keep our heads on our bodies (at least until M10)

What’s your best stroke, CC swimmers?

Mine’s backstroke. :wink:

Not a swimmer but freestyle :wink: sorry probably not appreciated lol

It’s fine, lots of people like freestyle.

Freestyle :slight_smile:

Front crawl, but I’m pretty good at backstroke.

Mine’s Free. But I love me some breaststroke to warm down :slight_smile:

My backstroke is almost the same speed as my freestyle, which I think is kind of funny.

When I was younger I hated backstroke because I was afraid of hitting my head on the edge of the pool.

Haha, me too. Kind of still am

I did that a million times. I actually did it last week during practice. I still love the stroke, though. It makes me feel like I’m flying.

Is it just me or do any of you feel like you’re flying during backstroke?

Backstroke is definitely very freeing. I think it’s because you’re on the surface of the water mostly, and not really in it.

Its like your half in and half out of the water. The BEST Feeling

Breast and free :slight_smile:

Ikr!! @FuturePA17

Now I wonder why my profile pic is butterfly. At least it’s my second best stroke.