The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@thelittleswimmer Thanks! That definitely was helpful. Can you explain what you mean by “A” and “AA”?

Noooo why was this thread moved to the Cafe??? I loved having it in the front of the Admissions section. Now I have to click more… :frowning:

Embarrasinggggg I didn't even check Lmao @mathman1201‌

Lol its ok!!

Anyone here going to try Ultimate frisbee or Lacrosse?

Is Ultimate Frisbee even a sport? @FuturePA17

Lol at Andover it is. They have a go pro video and everything on their youtube. @mathman1201‌

@mathman1201: are you part of USA Swimming? do you know about the A / AA times?

It has nothing to do with admissions and has become very “stream of consciousness,” so I moved it.

Oh no I accidentally submitted my graded essay to a school that did not require it, does this seem to desperate? Freaking out…

@boardingprep1213: to me, not really. you can email or call the admissions office and just explain your situation. maybe it could be considered as an “extra materials” or “additional information”?

Ok thanks haha sorry just kinda freaked out there

Anyone applying to Choate, how were we supposed to send our transcripts in? On the gochoate website I couldn’t find a form to send my counsellor so I asked her to email them the transcripts from the past few years. Do you think thats ok?

@Demarderozan: I’m not applying to Choate, but the Gateway to Prep Schools School Report Form asks for the principal/guidance counselor to send current transcripts for the fall term and transcripts from 6th grade, if possible, as well as any other transcripts (see:, so yes, it should be alright that your counselor sends the transcripts.


@02gloves I am a 9th grader applying for 10th grade. I was about to ask you the same thing! What about you?//
This application process is actually driving me more nuts than ever. Now I regret taking the January SSAT, I am pretty sure I did not do very well. Really nice having somewhere to stress with other people lol

It’s stressing everyone out. My friend at school is also applying to a few schools and I saw her today panicking because she couldn’t find the guidance counselor or her english teacher to ask about her recommendation letters. I’m afraid that I’ll submit the application, and then find out that I left something out/made a huge mistake. Good luck to all and have a stress-free couple of days lol.

@Demarderozan‌ Yeah, it’s just I want to quit my current sport. I’ve been doing it for so long, and I’ve started to dread every practice and game.

@vanillapuff‌ I’m freaking out here. I’m also applying for 10th! I’m sorry, it’s honestly just so cool because we’re both only applying to one school and applying for the same grade. I’m actually really amazed.

I took the test in December the Saturday right before finals. It was so stressful–I feel you.

@thelittleswimmer Yes, I am a part of USA Swimming. I was just wondering what A/AA times were. Can you explain…?