The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

I probably won’t be posting on here anymore, unless by some slim chance I get accepted off one of the waiting lists, but if anyone wants to talk you can pm me and it will go to my email account. thank you all for this fun ride, and congratulations to all who were accepted. :heart:

@02gloves I feel it, but no matter what you’re going to end up in a fabulous place!

Aw… Bye Napper. It was a good run.

@Napper Thank you for the kind words. <3

Bye @Napper I’ll miss your hilarious comments

Like @Napper, I probably won’t be found on this forum anymore, unless I decide to apply next year (but you will all probably be able to find me on the high school life forum). Congrats to all who got accepted though! :slight_smile:

I might not post anymore either. I’ll have to think about it.

No BS for me (unless a miracle occurs and Andover pulls me off the waiting list) but I can use this opportunity to gather information for college. I’ve learned so much through these experiences and I’m going to scope out the HSL forum as well as the other forums on CC. I think I’ll still be active, just not on here.

Same here. Kinda need to get my application together for next year (bad that I’m already freaking out?) But if any of y’all do stop posting (dare I say, forever?!) it was honestly so much fun talking to everyone one of y’all and freaking out for over 3 months. I wish you all the best in life. You all will accomplish so much. Good luck. (This is so sad OMG)

Eh, I might just ditch CC forever. It might be better for me.

I understand, mathman. Is anyone else getting sad? This is sad. Aw.

If this is a movie, people would be weeping in the theaters at the end. It’s really bittersweet for all of us. I’m happy for all that got acceptances, but really sad for all that didn’t.

Bye guys. See you in BS or college maybe.

Yeah, I’m super sad right now. This is depressing.

Wait. Was that goodbye? (I’m sorry I’m so over emotional, but forever wow)

I am sad… don’t worry… you are not alone…

We’ll have to see. I might get CC withdrawal. I might check in a few times later to post my final decisions (I’m still waiting on Milton). Or I might give in again and start posting like a maniac. CC is too addicitng. :wink: But for now, bye guys.

But even if I do get pulled off the waiting list, I’m not sure if I would still go. If they didn’t want to accept me the first time, perhaps it isn’t the right school for me to go to. I would rather attend a less prestigious school and be highly ranked there than just be that-applicant-that-we-didn’t-exactly-want-but-is-here-anyway-because-no-one-else-wanted-to-go.

Bye mathman. Hope to see you soon. Good luck w/ Milton!

It’s addicting and contagious.
I’ll probably pm all you CC addicts later.
I’m going to have to keep coming back, I have no idea what I’m going to pack!
(I made a rhyme.)

@goldenfygg‌ Interesting outlook. Never thought of it that way. But they saw some “fit” for their school, at least.