The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

i also wonder how the admissions officers determine who’s good enough for a waitlist and who’s better suited for rejection, but unfortunately, we will never know (unless one of us becomes an AO in the future, of course :wink: ).

I just wanted to say that if you tagged me in any posts recently and didn’t see any responses from me, please don’t think I was ignoring you! I’ve been swamped with notifications (M10 morning, I had 480! wow!)… I’m going to go through all of the threads soon to see if there were any important things I needed to respond to. :slight_smile:

So, morning of M11, how is everyone feeling?

@FootieMum‌ Did you hear from the ISL schools you were waiting on? We came home to find nothing from any school in the mailbox - so hard to wait!

Sad, but determined.

I don’t feel crushed like I did last year. I’m anxiously awaiting my FA package from Solebury. :frowning:

@02gloves My parents and I talked about it a lot last night and I am now seriously considering re-applying, so the journey will not be over for me! :slight_smile: I believe you said that you were re-applying as well?

Hollow because of rejection, sad because I will not be attending BS in the fall, but at the same time, strongly determined to improve and somewhat hopeful for possibly re-applying next year. A very confusing batch of feelings for me, at least.

I’m probably super late on this thread, I would have liked to have known about it sooner. I applied to Exeter, St. Paul’s, NMH, Hill, and Berkshire. I got accepted to Exeter, St. Paul’s, and NMH. WL for Berkshire, rejected at Hill. It was a huge surprise for Exeter, especially since they sent the letter a day early! Congratulations to everyone who got acceptances, and for people who didn’t, don’t give up. This is my second year applying, last year I was only WL for Exeter and St. Paul’s.


My English teacher (the one and only) said something that really resonated with me today. She was talking about how when she first visited her BS, she knew it was where she wanted to go. Same thing for college. I said that I’ve never had that epiphany moment, and I’ve visited ~15 schools.

“But did you visit Solebury?”


@skieurope‌ Jeez… That was harsh. I’m in Ireland on a trip and I don’t want to ruin said trip so I’m not checking. Good grief.

@HistoryGeek40 I hope you’re having an awesome time!!

Anyone gotten a package from Deerfield yet? I’m anxiously awaiting one.

@ilovewaterpolo my friend said she didn’t receive her package yet :frowning: I hope you get it soon!!!

thanks @UIButton‌!

New to this thread as well… Accepted into Kent and Middlesex!! Waitlisted at Hotchkiss and Exeter. Rejected from Andover and Choate… This was my second year applying to Andover and MX. Im so bummed because I know those waitlists dont move at all!!!

Hey @UIButton‌: how far away from deerfield does your friend live? it’s just that i live really close and all I’ve gotten is an email… i guess i just have to be patient. :smile:

@ilovewaterpolo hey!! I will PM you so no personal info is disclosed (big no no just incase AO’s if you know what I mean :wink: )

sounds great @UIButton‌! thanks!