The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@thelittleswimmer Start a new thread; don’t hijack this one.

I think that’s a great idea! :slight_smile:

Haha guys I had Chipotle today for the first time! It was pretty good. >:D< Although my stomach is not used to all this sour cream. :-?

I will like to post a very inspirational quote that @thelittleswimmer just texted me: “Woo hop.”

Lololl :)) :wink:

Haha! @mathman1201‌ :slight_smile:

“Woohopping” my way to Chipotle right now. :wink:

AHH Ashley Wagner is skating tomorrow at World Championships. Yikes. WOO HOOPPP. :-SS

Hmm maybe I’ll change my avatar this week for good luck to her.

She better get that outside edge on her lutz. >:)

Lol you guys probably think I’m a weirdo now. :wink: I’m a hardcore Wagner fan.

Just sharing my two cents about ice skating. Woo hoopppp

Awww yeaa Ashley Wagner saying Woo hop. What more is better for an avatar.

That will be my good luck charm for her this week. After Friday, it’s back to Phelps or something else. :smiley:

I got into a Boloco vs. Chipotle debate with the Writing Center teachers today. Boloco has so many more options. :-"

I never cared for Chipotle, I am a Qdoba kind of guy


Oh, forgot to credit @thelittleswimmer for my avatar. She made all the magic happen. Lol :wink:

I just got Chipotle! and when I came back I had 400+ messages thanks @mathman1201‌ and @thelittleswimmer‌ <3

Haha did we really text that much??? :D/ @UIButton

@mathman1201 yup!!! lol it’s okay but plz summarize so I can get caught up :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol it’s basically just random talk about random things. I don’t even know what we even talked about. :stuck_out_tongue: @UIButton

@mathman1201 Is CC “homework” now? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

@UIButton: We talked about his waitlist email, swimming, Ashley Wagner, Chipotle, Florida, Sea World/Universal Studios, roller coasters, Kingda Ka, and homework.