The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@thelittleswimmer perfect!! Should I call my PEA AO rn? I’m nervous!

LOL should get started on that homework now.
My backpack has been in the corner of my room collecting dust ever since 3 today. WOO HOP

I haven’t been going to swimming due to bronchitis, so what better is there to do than texting friends about random stuff? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly!! And I’m on spring break :stuck_out_tongue: Do I call her?!?! Yes or no?

I’m eating wasabi peas and gelato while watching Rio 2. Ah, life.

Hmmm, she probably won’t pick up. @UIButton

@mathman1201 wait why?

Ok, I gtg! My backpack is begging me to get opened. :-"

On mathman having chipotle for the first time: Yes!!! Finally!!! I’m so happy now!!!

@UIButton They’re probably not in the office this late.

@02gloves :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

This is not the appropriate place to be having a 2-way conversation. Please use PM’s for that purpose.


[now it’s a three-way conversation :stuck_out_tongue: ]

Random question, but what do you guys get in Chipotle?

I got a steak bowl, white rice, corn, lettuce, mild and spicy salsa, a tiny bit of guacomole, and sour cream.
Is that a good combination?^^^

Next time, I’m definitely going to ask for just a tad of sour cream. I’ve never had so much sour cream at one time, and my stomach felt a little queasy. I don’t understand how people can eat so much whipped or sour cream. It’s good, but too much makes me feel :-&.

That was my little story about sour cream. :stuck_out_tongue:

Chicken bowl with white rice. No beans. Lots and lots of corn. Lots and lots of salsa. Medium and hot sauce. Lots of the grilled/roasted “veggies”, occasionally lettuce.

I just realized that half of this chat is composed of us talking about Chipotle. =D>

Both beans, sofritas, corn, lettuce, fajita veggies, brown rice, guacamole even though it’s ridiculously overpriced.

I don’t go very often, but yeah.

Chicken burrito w/ cheese and brown rice. It’s plain, but it’s so good.

Yikes. She falls and drops to 11th place. Maybe my woo hop avatar is giving her bad luck.
Oh well, she can make it up on Friday.

I stayed up all night waiting for this. Ugh that was disappointing. L-)

I’m heartbroken. Everything I was looking forward and waiting on this month has turned out horribly. This feels like a very, very minor M10 again. =((

I think we’re running the mile in gym today. Hopefully I will shave some time off.

Anyways, how are you guys?

@mathman1201‌ Good luck!! I really, really, really hated the mile this year because the track was SO WINDY that day. ._.

One of the schools that waitlisted me for funds is re-evaluating my application because they think they might have enough funding now. I’m nervous, can’t wait to hear back. (: