The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Omg @goldenfygg‌ did NOT know that about the AOs. Yikes that freaks me out!

They would probably say something like: boardingprep1213 has good grades but not very many extracurriculars. She was a little dry (depending on the school) during the interviews and could work a bit more on getting some awards because people have been playing the piano at Juilliard and she plays… golf. Give her a 1 out of 6 and throw her name in the reject pile(A little overdone but how i think of it.

Oh dear. That’s not a happy thought for the New Years is it? Guess we’ll know in two months.

True. only time (and the decisions posted on M10) will tell. No use worrying now

ahh but that won’t stop us chronic worriers :slight_smile:

I know. Still worrying, no matter what anyone says :slight_smile:

All we can do is wait it out. But these next two months are going to feel like two years!

Its so hard because if you tell yourself you’ll get in you run the risk of feeling like a total failure if you don’t get in anywhere, and if you tell yourself you wont get you just cant stop thinking about it and worrying.

yup pretty much. I just need to figure out how to totally take my mind off it once my applications are in, which is going to be hard. :expressionless:
Its so unfair- the admissions officers are probably like sitting on their couches and chilling while they read our applications with like no stress involved and we’re like having mental breakdowns about it (well at least I am). >:)

@BoyZap2122 Well you aren’t alone on the mental breakdowns :-S

I third that. Well maybe anxiety attacks not mental break downs but same difference :wink:

I 4th that. Just a steady stream of constant worry.

But here’s a little something to make you feel better: If a school’s acceptance rate is something crazy like 15%, just remember that it does not mean that you have a 15% chance of getting in. Half of the applicants might have lower stats than you which would increase your chances. So good luck to all!

Expanding on what goldenfygg said it isnt a game of luck. People with better stats get in. If there is a 15% acceptance rate you and any other random applicant dont both have a 15% chance of getting in. Lots of people are obvious rejects, a few obvious acceptances, and then some fall in the middle. People with stats that line up with that of the school are going to be in the acceptance or middle piles and from there you have a pretty good chance of being accepted or at least wait listed. So if your SSATs are in line, you grades are high, you wrote good essays, your interviews weren’t terrible, and have some good EC’s you have higher than a 15% chance of getting in, and no AO is going to laugh about your application while they sit on there couch relaxing and eating a bowl of popcorn.

hahaha, thanks for the self-esteem boost @bscschoolsearcher. Personally, I’m a little worried about my ssat scores and I’ve been doing a bit too much procrastinating with the essays, but it’s all up in the air at this point pretty much. I just need to take a deep breath and CHILL. [-O<

Ha procrastinating…you should have seen me for the past five days :))

Yay no worries for me… I submitted all my essays. All I have to worry about is what the AOs think about them. :-&

… :"> …

@whimsicalwhims ?

Now i’m freaking out, because I still have like 3 more essays to complete… But that’s awesome for you!