The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Oh… best of luck to you!!! :slight_smile:

Same, but it honestly was my fault… I shouldn’t have procrastinated… :slight_smile:

I know that feeling all too well from schoolwork… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, except I know that feeling from everywhere! :slight_smile: Procrastinators for the win! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, I am sure there is some sort of short hand ranking system they use when reading apps. I can not imagine they spend any time at all discussing the bottom half of the pile at a competitive school. I suspect they are only discussing the top 30% (or whatever) to see who will make the cut. Obviously with separate pile for super sports prospects, underrepresented minorities, geographies, legacies and siblings are likely a different conversation altogether.

Good luck on your other essays! I’m just glad it’s Winter break (albeit it’s over :’-)). I took a break from apps since my interview and test was same week as finals.

@LifeLongNYer That makes a lot of sense. But are there really obvious rejects? Would someone apply to a BS if they knew they didn’t have the best grades, EC’s, etc?

Excuse me if I sound sorta snobby about applications. First time doing this, and majorly curious.

That’s me-- I have extremely average grades (BS standards), and not too many outstanding ECs (one of my essays was about my passion for reading, which I don’t think qualifies as an EC but oh well!) :smiley:

Yes I am sure there are lots of people who aren’t qualified who apply. Frankly (and apologies as this does not sound very nice but I tend towards the brutally honest) but if you read this board there are lots of people posting about low SSAT scores for example asking if there chances will be hurt etc, and the answer is obviously yes, it does not help not to have good SSAT scores. If we are talking about the schools with 10-12% admit rates how do you think they shrink the pile of applicants to have a meaningful discussion about the kids they might seriously take? Also as has not been mentioned here, for college apps there is a GPA multiplier to take into account how selective your high school is…all 4.0s are not equal, I presume there is some similar thought for prep school. They want kids who can do the work, if you come from a rigorous middle school they will know those grades are different than someone coming from an environment where the school is poor. Of course this cuts both ways…every school wants geographic diversity etc.

Wow, freaking out because that might be me with the non selective school. I got a great grade and comments on my graded essay, but at the same time it may not be as good as other grades are, because my teacher grades really hard. I wish I could tell them that I got the best grade in my honors English class (sorry if thats braggy, it’s really not that great of an accomplishment in reality)

And also an A+ in a regular level class is going to count less than an A- in an honors class/accelerated class.

Yeah, I was actually thinking about how much they would take into account the competitiveness of how each school grades. It’s good to know they do actually take that into account.

I’m applying to andover and exeter for school year Sept2016 which means ill be applying next year!!! :-SS any tips?
Oh, and btw, I kno from experience and I prob read this in a thread but, when u get ur mail with the decision inside, usually if it is thick, it is an acceptance. WL or rejected if thin. USUALLY. GOOD LUCK GUYS!!! [-O< <:-P
M10 is only 2 and a half more months!!

@Anonymousia Tips from me: Don’t procrastinate and keep your grades up. And thanks for the good wishes! :slight_smile:

The M10 wait is so intense. What will I be reduced down to by the time college results approach?


Ur welcome ;). I have a q tho: should I get started on the essays this year or wait until the year I apply?

@Anonymousia Honestly, I’m not sure how much of a difference it will make. You can think of ideas or write a draft, but don’t invest all of your time and energy on it. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead but you never know what the next year will bring!

@goldenfygg We will all be reduced to nervous grandmas and grandpas that have aged from the stress and tension. :stuck_out_tongue:

@mathman1201 Sounds like fun haha. But imagine the poor souls that don’t have a community of people to talk to… At least we will be going through all of this together!

I know… I’m so lucky I stumbled upon CC last year.

Me too! I’m glad I’m not the most addicted/obsessed one on here and I check it several times a day! But I love CC