The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@thatwritingdream‌ Yes!! It would be beyond cool if we met!

Oh my gosh, I’m Indian too, applying to grade 9

Applying to ninth!

Last night I had a dream I was accepted into Exeter and I was walking around the campus and met my friend who already goes there… ughh getting so psyched for it it’s hard to imagine not getting in. X_X

Oh hi @downtonabbey! I like your username.

ahhh Deerfield… So close but so far. I want to get in so so so so bad. I keep having dreams of dancing at Deerfield, hanging in the dorms, classes, etc.

Yeah Deerfield seems like a very fun place.

It doesn’t seem like a fun place at all. Wearing a jacket & tie every day? Let’s not.

Although I’m sure there are fun aspects to it. :slight_smile:

Would you prefer a formal or casual dress code?

@mathman1201 haha thanks I couldn’t think of anything else honestly.

@mrnephew‌ oh well can’t please everyone :confused: being a girl I don’t mind the dress code and I think it keeps people looking nice. But just my opinion… I also love Lawrenceville a lot and think that people dressed very nice there also

I love every school, and the dress code doesn’t matter to me.

I wonder what my reaction will be on M10, my head aches at the thought of it.

I was wondering will they release the results on EST time? If so, all my results will come on M10.

Niche has come out with an update of their public and private high school rankings. I would put the link here but pretty sure CC doesn’t allow website links. You might findd it interesting to look over while you are waiting to find out if you got in.

How come Andover wasn’t mentioned in the list?

These surveys and rankings always use some methods that seem opaque and sometimes arbitrary. At least they are honest about the shortcomings of the results and do not try to make up data in order to backfill the holes.

If there is a glaring hole, it is always good to read the methodology notes.

“It’s important to note that several high performing high schools were not included in our analysis as their data was not reported to the government. These schools include: Phillips Andover Academy”

I recently saw an article on the best (I think they phrased it as “most elite”) U.S. boarding schools. Andover was placed at #2. It gave an explanation of what factors are included in making the list. There was also a very cool accompanying article about a “Day at Exeter: America’s Most Elite B.S.” I encourage those applying to Exeter (and even those who aren’t, like me) to check it out. You’ll enjoy it if you’re anything like me: obsessed with looking at what B.S. is like to pass the time between now and March 10!

Yes, I made a thread with both of the articles. It’s in the Cafe.

@mathman1201 Yes, that’s where I first saw it. Thanks for that, it was really cool. Just out of curiosity, how does the Exeter school day work? I saw on there website as one of the student’s schedules that he had class at 6 or so pm. Is that normal? And how does that fit in with sports, clubs, etc? I’ve never seen anything like that before.

I’m not sure, but if it’s on the website, it should be accurate. There is a separate time for sports (usually in the afternoon), so they shouldn’t overlap.