The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Wow. That sounds pretty cool.

Has anyone had any nightmares about being rejected from the schools you all are applying to? I have! :frowning:

@whimsicalwhims‌ “I’m Indian” high-fives Me too!! What grade are you applying for?

@stargirl3‌ Are you vegan by choice?

@thatwritingdream Absolutely! No one else in my family is. It means I endure endless teasing from my brother about how frozen veggies are “rabbit meal,” but I don’t mind because I love it. :smiley:

I had SUCH a realistic dream about getting in to one of my schools last night. Right before I woke up, it occurred to me that I was dreaming. :expressionless:

I had a dream that I got rejected to almost all of my schools. Let’s hope that’s not a sign. :slight_smile: :-S

to be honest, I have started to look for things to appreciate about my current school which actually does has quite a bit to offer. It is by no means a bad school. I would be more than happy to continue the rest of my high school career at my current school. However, I now see an acceptance as more of another opportunity that I would be glad to take.

If I go to boarding school I’ll start a blog about eating vegan. I can check out other dining halls when I visit for sports. Maybe even get some contributing writers! :wink:

I just had an idea, we should all send a letter to ourselves in the future. I wrote one for March 9th and also one for the beginning of my 12th grade year. I used email specifically and you guys should give it a shot too, the best part should be when you forget about the email.

Cool, I just made one to myself.

And I will proceed to do so…

@thatwritingdream Really? Cool! I’m applying to ninth grade. You?

Thanks for the cool link, @vanillapuff.

Is it true that if you call FedEx/USPS/UPS prior to March 10 to see if there is a package waiting for you, you can see if you were accepted to a certain school ahead of time?

@thelittleswimmer, I believe so, but with so many schools sending decisions online now, I wouldn’t psych yourself out if you don’t get a big fat acceptance package in the mail on March 10. And to the earlier comment: I’ve also started exploring some other options if I am rejected/WL to all 5 of my schools. shudders don’t want to think about it but in 6 weeks my high school career (and very possibly my future beyond that) will be determined. Weird, when you consider that I’m only 14…

@thelittleswimmer‌ in the past, it sometimes works. Don’t rely on it, it can be deceiving. mrnephew has been on this forum for quite a while and probably can also probably recall the amount of people trying to call the mailing companies. Also, I remember not sure if it was FedEx or UPS, but one of them isn’t able to report anything since it gets too complicated for them.

@stargirl3 Lol xD I guess we’re officially rabbits, then. I’m vegetarian by religion… That’s why I asked. Oh, and I would LOVE to contribute to that blog when you start it. :smiley: By the way, what grade are you applying for?

(Sorry if I’m being creepy by asking that question, guys, I just want to know if anybody here is my age. :))

@whimsicalwhims‌ I’m applying for tenth grade. :confused: Meeting at boarding school would still be so cool, though.

@thatwritingdream i don’t see how that is even creepy. Don’t worry at all. I agree meeting someone from CC would be so cool. I already talked about that to someone here who is applying to the same school. 10th grader here too!

Sorry if this is really irrelevant, but I am just so disgusted at ISIS right now. What do you guys have to say about ISIS.

@vanillapuff You may (not) know I live in Saudi Arabia… The ISIS thing is a pretty big issue down here. I’m in a protected compound, so I’m not scared for my life. But all the big countries around this area have shown some kind of terrorist group activity. Being friends with a lot of Muslims who are watching this stuff and seeing their entire religion get tainted through no fault of 90% of its followers is hard. Terrorist attacks/atrocities seem to be almost everything we talk about in Global Issues at the moment. Trust me, I am way past disgusted.

…Let’s take this conversation to the private messages, if you don’t mind. I don’t even feel safe talking about this on the Internet anonymously.

@thatwritingdream I’m applying for tenth too! I’m pretty young, though (I’ll turn 15 at the end of July). As far as my veggie blog, definitely! If you get in but I don’t, feel free to start it without me. :wink:

@thatwritingdream‌ I’ll be applying for 10th grade too!

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Please keep the conversation on target. Open a new discussion if you want to go off on a tangent.