The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Me too with the coding. I’ll start some random project and then I’ll just play around with it before I realize that it’s already 2 in the morning. =_=

@goldenfygg I haven’t made anything worthwhile XD An hour or so ago it was a 3d java thing and all it does is make you push a button and it shoots cupcakes into no where depending on what button you push. Then there are “goals” or “hoops” i don’t even know. I think a small percentage of my sanity escapes with every cupcake fired! OMG THOUGH YES!!! It’s always on the days I pledge to get at least 5 hrs of sleep with too XD

Gilmore Girls quote: “How many of us, even once in a lifetime, get chosen for something we really want?”

I guess we will have to wait till March 10th to find out!! I have mixed feelings now! :)) #:-S :(( [-O< I-)

I still haven’t sub the PFS!! I think I’m going to have a mental breakdown.

Story time:

My English teacher is an alumna of a school often mentioned here. Let’s call it School A. Like most prep schools, it has an age-old rivalry. When her husband was a senior, three boys (one was a day student) drove over to the rival school and settled down in the admission office. It was so busy that no one noticed. A prospective student walked in, and the School A students jumped up and greeted him, saying they were his tour guides. They took this kid on the tour, and at every chance they got, they would say, “This is the ________, but School A’s is so much better,” and so on.

The next week, that kid showed up for a tour at School A.

^^^^ That is quite a story. =))

@goldenfygg My teacher was like “Did I tell you my husband’s prank story?” and I was like “You did, but tell it again!!”

Story Time #2:

For their senior prank, her husband’s year took all of the boys out to the athletic fields early in the morning, supplying donuts and coffee. All of the boys’ dorms are near each other, so it was easier than gathering up the girls. At breakfast, one teacher called her son, who as a senior didn’t need to be at breakfast, and demanded to know what they’d done with all the children.

Senior pranks are always fun to hear about. I think that one year another school brought a camel to campus.

Groton (I think 2011) did a similar thing where they took all the lower schoolers to the boathouse and no one could fin them. I think 2013 threw a big carnival. :slight_smile:

I checked goldenfygg’s countdown timer and we have eighteen days left! I thought we had 22 days left or something! I’m having small mini panic attacks now :confused:

@goldenfygg @Ulbutton: What type of coding? I take a university computer science class but I’ve been stuck on this one problem for weeks … :frowning:

@ajsmiles12: Ryan was eliminated and his family was supportive for about five seconds and then they started putting him down in front of the other families. I feel sorry for this kid.

@thelittleswimmer For me, mostly HTML/CSS, but I do some Python and Javascript.

Aaah my last interview is in an hour! Wish me luck guys!

@mathman1201 Good luck!!!

@mathman1201: I won’t wish you luck…because I know you’ll do great! :slight_smile:

Best of luck!

I literally just spent thirty minutes staring at the wall in my room, being all terrified about March 10th. I can’t stop shaking and daydreaming…

Earth to me, earth to me. :expressionless: 8-} 8-| 8-X