The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

It’s kind of exciting to think that a group of people miles away are taking the time to discuss you and your application.

It’s exciting and nerve wracking.

There are 20 days until we find out, but there are less than 20 days until the AOs make their decisions! They have to have people check it over, and sign it, and then they have to mail things out. So it’s probably about 2 weeks until the AOs make their decisions.

…dang :(. I think I’m more nervous about this than court stuff :|.

all we can do is wait now…

I wonder what in the app they look at first… Recommendations letters, reports and grades
or guidance counsellor reports…

Hey guys, is someone going to create the list of who got accepted/waitlisted/rejected where for this year? I feel like someone has mentioned this already, and someone answered, but I can’t remember where.

I think @stargirl3 will do it.

We’re also going to do the traditional “Clean” list where you post your stats, etc. @thatwritingdream

Is anyone going to pull an all-nighter on M9/M10?

What? I’ve never seen that.
-I just looked at it. That’s a great idea, although kind of confusing.

I am! @goldenfygg
It’s a traditional thing on CC every year. @thatwritingdream

@goldenfygg I want to, but I dunno if I will be able to…

I’m too addicted to CC these days… I’ve been refreshing every fifteen seconds. :-/

Oh my holy cannoli prickly purple pufferfish the day is almost here. MIXED FEELINGS!

Only one more interview for me and then I’m finally DONE!!! I can’t wait!!!

Yay!! Which school? I didn’t interview for each school :frowning: I wish I did!

So weird to think that they might’ve already make their decision about you, but you have to wait 19 more days.

@goldenfygg‌ I was planning on it until I learned I had an exam that day. So I’m planning on going to sleep at my normal time and all that stuff. 6:30am will come by a lot faster if I’m sleeping.

I’ve been pulling random all nighters and studying for the PSAT… in October… and the SSAT… coming maybe never again… and coding like mad with no goal IM A MESS.