The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Woohoo I have the honor of being the 1000th post of this thread. We’ve gone a far way from December.

GO CC!! :smiley:

I. Am. Freaking. Out.

States for swimming tomorrow… What a dramatic way to start March. :-SS

@mathman1201 good luck at states and does anyone know if it’s possible the letters would be delayed or arrive earlier than expected?

Probably not for earlier, but there are some unlikely cases that the letters will be delayed. However, 99% of the time, it will arrive on M10. @downtonabbey

@mathman1201 do well at states!! i swim as well, but nowhere near good enough to go to states. May you be blessed with good times and no indigestion, lol.

Hahahahah indigestion. That’s a funny but painful thought. :wink:

Officially March 1st… It’s getting so close

9 days, 10 hours, 46 minutes till 12:00 pm M10. Let the official madness begin.

I have accepted my fate :slight_smile:

For me, it is extremely daunting to stare at the M10 countdown clock widget taking up half of my phone’s home screen, watching the seconds tick by… Yet I can’t stop. I will literally sit idle for 20 minutes and stare at it… I have no life :frowning:

It is really MARCH (almost show time)! I am thinking most decisions have been made by now. It’s a done deal at this point, unless we have to ride out the wait list. Good luck to all!

I just typed out my whole stats sheet. PM me if you want the format before I post the thread.

I think that the Andover one would be generalized and so is the Exeter survey, but I am really not sure why some didn’t get the Exeter one

^It’s possible that they’re looking for information from a specific demographic, such as students from outside of New England or kids applying only for 10th or 11th grade.

I got the survey and the ‘What’s Happening at Exeter’ email…not sure about the other one…

You know it’s been a long wait when you start worrying about who got an email and why. Can’t believe it’s March 1st!


I had a dream that I got denied from Exeter, Andover, and every school I applied to… and the email read"We are sorry to say that you have not been accepted into Philips Exeter Academy Bye."

I just realized that the Exeter email regarding the complete application was sent to me in January. I wonder why some people got theirs only recently?

Oh yeah, I got that email in January. I just realized. I did all that stressing for nothing. :stuck_out_tongue: