The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Nope. They will probably send a new link very soon. @weezin

@weezin oh noes I haven’t received anything from Groton!

Eek one week

7 days 5 hours and 18 minutes. I am slowly dying…

My life will forever be divided into two time periods: before M10 and after M10. :stuck_out_tongue:

i feel like my avatar… M10 please come and don’t come faster.

I just had a 3RD interview with one of the schools i’m applying to today… because apparently the information they got out of me in the first two weren’t enough :neutral_face: so I think some of them might be waiting until the very last second!!

@Napper: Three interviews for one school? Wow!

This thread is really informative for those of you applying to Andover:

@thelittleswimmer yeah, but at least for this last one it was over the phone and they only had a few questions. Also, that thread is really useful! it details the information packets for andover, and someone also described the deerfield packet! But reading it all made me more anxious for march 10th … so read at your own risk!

Daylight savings means March 10 is actually an hour closer than it appears!

I need help!..I just saw the exeter survey, it was lying in the spam. I was too late to submit it…would this affect anything!!!

@awesomev‌ No, I wouldn’t think so. It’s just a survey they sent to random people on their email list, I think.

@awesomev: The survey is anonymous. They won’t know who sent it and who didn’t.

Oops, sorry about that (making you more anxious), @Napper! The thread details acceptances/acceptance packets for Andover so like Napper said, please “read at your own risk.”

Pages 1 and 2 are the most relevant in my opinion. The rest of the pages detail more into calling FedEx before M10 (which I don’t recommend because, as shown in the thread, FedEx was wrong multiple times).

@02gloves and @thelittleswimmer thank you!

These last six days are THE last six days. Wow. I’m literally in awe.

@awesomev: You’re welcome! :smiley:

@02gloves Six days is TOO SOON…too soon…

Groton just sent out how to access your decision through email, so make sure to check there if you applied!