The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

You guys today reality slapped me in the face when I realized that my chances of getting rejected from all of the schools I applied to are greater than the chances of getting accepted to all of them. :frowning:

Yup, I feel you @swimmingman5ā€Œ I realised that my best chances are 1 in 300

PS- The sequel to stargirl is awful

OK. Pep talk time. We are in the final stretch of the marathon. We have worked hard for months for this to happen. Sure some of us might place and others might not, but hey at least you were able to interview and to write some pretty mind-blowing essays. I canā€™t say how much I love you guys, I hope to meet you soon but if I donā€™t for whatever reason remember no matter what happens: You are smart. You are talented. You are beautiful/ handsome. If for what ever reason you are rejected that does not lessen you as a person. Now in these next 5/6 days depending where you are, try and chill just a little bit. I know it is hard but hang in there.
See you on the other side

I get 1/7 of my admit decisions TOMORROW. That pep talk is sorely needed & welcome. ;-;

Whatā€™s the book Stargirl about? and where can I read it?
And I just had to say-!!!God march 10th is soo close now.
Sometimes I think I actually have a good chance considering all my stats and then Iā€™m like I will never get into these schools my chances are like 1/10000000. I wish the results were predictableā€¦

Great, losing a match 5 days b4 March 10.

@LondonLadyā€Œ That was so nice :ā€™-) You have no idea how much I needed that. Thank you!! :slight_smile:

@LondonLady We all needed that and you have no idea how much it helpedā€¦

Good luck @thatwritingdream!! Hopefully today will be a celebration for you. :smiley:

Nooooā€¦ I just called FedEx and thereā€™s nothing there for me. [-(

@mathman1201ā€Œ Itā€™s probably too soon. Please donā€™t call FedEx again. O:-)

Iā€™ll try, but Iā€™ll probably end up calling them 100000000000 times until they say ā€œThereā€™s a package on the way!ā€ :stuck_out_tongue: I wasnā€™t expecting much today anyway. :frowning:

No news from LFA yet :frowning:

Wouldnā€™t they not send anything out until M10?

No, apparently LFA came out a couple days ago. My friend got a decision.

I was so calm about my applications until I came across CC. You and everyone elseā€™s nerves have made mine explode.

Who, me? @GryffinHunter Yeah, Iā€™m always here to get people nervous. Free nervous vibes right here for anyone to take! :wink:

Yes, you. Youā€™re swimming in a pool of nerves and decided to splash me.

heheā€¦ againā€¦ I sea what you did there.

Thanks. I try. Are you an 8th grader @UIButtonā€Œ ?