The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Why is that so big? And what is that smiley face doing up there? Some of the emojis are messed up, which really bothers me. :stuck_out_tongue:

3ā€¦DAYSā€¦LEFTā€¦ The waiting is killing meā€¦ #-o

@mathman1201ā€Œ Congrats!! By the way, your comments always make me laugh, lol.


Haha, glad to hear that. :stuck_out_tongue: @02gloves

No oneā€™s on CC right nowā€¦ Maybe all of you guys are normal and Iā€™m just this addicted maniac refreshing each page every ten seconds. :wink:

Haha youā€™re not the only one! As soon as I came home from rehearsal I checked CC. :stuckouttongue:

*Came home

Why hi there! I have nothing today, (other than my math competition this morning).

Iā€™m boredā€¦ I just finished a movie and Iā€™m not in the mood to start another oneā€¦ :frowning:

So how was your rehearsal? @swimmingman5

It was long! 6 hours because we have a concert tomorrow. Iā€™m really glad because it makes the weekend go by faster, but Monday is going to be painful.

Phew, thatā€™s a long rehearsal. Good luck at your concert tomorrow! @swimmingman5

Thanks! How was your math competition? @mathman1201

It was great! I got first. I didnā€™t place first in the written competition, but I destroyed everyone in the countdown round, and I ended up in first. :smiley: @swimmingman5

Nice! :smiley:

A little lost hereā€¦ but what happens on M10?

@safireonfireā€Œ Our school decisions come back! Wellā€¦ most of them :slight_smile:

Iā€™m in major stalling right nowā€¦ I modeled a dragon in Maya, deleted it, wrote 10 pages worth of nonsense, deleted it all, and am now watching My 600 Lb Lifeā€¦ Someone please slap me and tell me to get my work done haha!!

Who else is experiencing a slight bit of senioritis since transcripts are in?

CC is an addictionā€¦!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, a slight bit of senioritis? You mean a LOT of senioritis. Or eighth grade-itis in my case. My grades are pretty down in the dumps these days. Bleh. :-&

I feel itā€¦ I only have an 89 in maths and history. :neutral_face: but, life goes on :slight_smile: Chipotle sounds amazingā€¦