The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

@GryffinHunter: I think the second email was for further clarification.

What kind of bender are you @thelittleswimmer‌ ?

@weezin Good luck! Junior? Senior?

@GryffinHunter: I’m assuming you are referring to ATLA. I like both firebending and waterbending, so I guess…Avatar :wink:

How about you?

@weezin: Good luck! I’m assuming that you have taken the NLE more than once. As a vet, do you have any tips for taking the exam (this is my first time)?

@thelittleswimmer‌ I like water and earth, so I guess Avatar.

@GryffinHunter: That’s cool! Do you have a favorite ATLA character? As you can probably tell from my icon, I like Azula/Zuko.

@Napper is also an ATLA/LOK fan. :slight_smile:


@GryffinHunter: I’ll PM you so we don’t clog up the thread. :slight_smile:

Guys…not more than 64 hours left!!!

May the odds be ever in your favor!

I volunteer as tribute.

I’m RUE-ing this day… haha… haha…

@weezin‌ Oh wow! You must’ve started early then. I love Latin. I definitely want to continue it further. Are you applying for BS?

Just spending the days until M10 watching old Telugu movies with occasional breaks for tennis lessons and swim practice…ohhh…and PARCC :scream:

I just finished a 38 page essay… Now for another :frowning:

OMG. I’ve never written anything over 5.

Hehe it was hard but it was a cool topic so I liked it :). The subject was huugee and had a lot of topics to branch off of it. I’m sooo glad it’s done but next are revisions and more revisions :frowning:

I just had a dream that it was M10, and when I woke up, I actually thought it was M10 and checked some portals before realizing. I’m losing my mind! 8-} @-)

I know it’s kinda late but I made a countdown clock to M10 for people using EST

Woohoo I just got 1st at a math competition!! I now have two things under my sleeve just in case of waitlists. >:)