The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

agh so excited and nervous it is unreal

I already have a countdown for M10. (I literally wait for the 10th of each month and go: “Now it’s J10”. 59 days.

Are most ppl here applying grade 9

I’m applying for grade 9. I think most people are, but there’s a handful of 10th grade appliers and a few 11th grade appliers as well.

goldenfygg what is your personal favorite school at the moment?

Yea, I’m applying for 10th. A lot of ppl say that its a smaller chance of getting in but the interviewers so far it’s also from a smaller pool of applicants so the percentage of acceptance is about equal to 9th grade.

BUT oh my goodness my counselor messed up my all my transcripts so I have to re-do all of them and re-send them personally to all the schools :((

I’m applying for 11th but everyone says it’s really difficult

Ugh my principal just REFUSES to even start the recommendation… I don’t know what to do… I spent an hour writing a really detailed email telling her what to do. The result? No reply. She didn’t even OPEN the recommendation yet. :((

@poppyknight‌ I’m applying for 10th too!

@mathman1201 Maybe get your mom to ask her…an authority figure might be better against another authority figure.

Andover/Exeter are my favorites so far. They are both very different, but they both provide courses and facilities that I could really use.

yeah @mathman1201 my special interest rec has had the request re-sent to her like 7 times and she’s had it for 2 weeks HASNT EVEN OPEN IT >:P

this is the funniest thread on the internet - it perfectly encompasses the stress of applying to bs
i was dying laughing reading through this stuff because its all true

@mathman1201 Re: your recalcitrant principal, contact the admissions offices to let them know the situation asap. The failure of your principal (or teachers failing to send rec letters on time) is not your fault. Schools will understand IF they know the situation. So tell them!

Oh gosh… my English teacher had not submitted my rec, so I also (like mathman) wrote a very detailed email to her. … But it didn’t send. SO, I sent it again. Didn’t send. Again. Didn’t send. Then again… and they ALL sent at the same time. So I emailed my teacher 4 emails basically telling her (in a very nice way) to hurry up. Then, right after I realized my mistake, I checked my account and she had submitted my form! I can;t believe I sent her four emails when she had already submitted it!

LOL that’s really funny @‌boardingprep1213
The problems that applications cause…

Yeah me too

So, with Choate all my teachers didn’t get it. I found it in their junk mail. See if that is the same case for your teachers
If not give them paper copies.

I’m just wondering if we are all being applicant-zillas… Legacies and siblings are probably relaxing.