<p>RANK: </p>
<p>RANK: </p>
<p>So few people have been at multiple Ivies as a student that it would be hilarious to see people even try and do this.</p>
<p>Dartmouth = love</p>
<p>Harvard? Students there consistently rate it lowest for enjoyment of all the ivies. Dartmouth and Penn are certainly the party ivies if that equals fun.</p>
<p>I only know that Ivy Bernstein was fun in ways I could barely understand back then.</p>
<p>Yeah I’ve heard Penn is pretty fun but Cornell and Brown at the bottom? Cornell has a huge frat/party scene and Brown has some of the happiest students!?! lol. Dartmouth should be way up there too.</p>
<p>Depends on the meaning of the term “fun”. Someone’s idea of fun may be another person’s idea of animal house or HE-LL. Conversely one person’s idea of fun in a library or debating society or laboratory may be another person’s idea of Unchained Melody…“You’ve lost that lovin feelin!” </p>
<p>You must pick a school that fits your profile and academic interests, social genre, geographic location, etc.</p>
<p>Be yourself. Good luck.</p>
<p>Columbia much?</p>
<p>You forgot Columbia, so therefore you suck*.</p>
<p>I heard from a friend that Duke is a pretty fun Ivy.</p>
<p>Duke is not an Ivy, it is sometimes called “The Ivy of the south”.</p>
<p>i think hes kidding.</p>
<p>Brown or Princeton</p>
<p>Penn and Dartmouth for 1st place.</p>
<p>You can have fun anywhere. Depends on your idea of fun. Friday night and Saturday are pretty much your “window of opportunity” for fun. Most Saturdays and Sundays are spent working at least part of the day. Engineers often work Friday and Saturday night too. You grab the fun when you can.</p>
<p>The Ivies are more “gratifying” than “fun”.</p>
<p>While the universe is a bit larger, some might get some benefit from comments in this thread:</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/348753-ranking-social-life-usnwr-top-20-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/348753-ranking-social-life-usnwr-top-20-a.html</a></p>
<p>Based on “votes” so far for the USNWR Top 20, the Ivies would rank as follows:</p>
<li>U Penn</li>
<p>the obvious answer to this one is brown</p>
<p>happiest students several years in a row</p>
<p>even thought cornell has a good greek scence, it also gives students a lot of work (some say more than other ivies), so that might detract from it’s fun.</p>
<p>With Brown listing as self-reported happiest students (one or two the last like 5 or 6 years at least), and approximately 10 students per year transferring out (~**.**16%) each year, I’d have to say that regardless of what everyone here is using as their measure for social life, Brown must be doing pretty damn well.</p>
<p>Interestingly, one or two transfers typically return to Brown, making that percentage drop even further.</p>
<p>([Leaving</a> the ‘happiest’ Ivy for other colleges - Features](<a href=“http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2006/04/26/Features/Leaving.The.happiest.Ivy.For.Other.Colleges-1877977.shtml]Leaving”>http://media.www.browndailyherald.com/media/storage/paper472/news/2006/04/26/Features/Leaving.The.happiest.Ivy.For.Other.Colleges-1877977.shtml))</p>
<p>My rating:</p>
6. Yale</p>
7. Harvard
8. Columbia</p>