The New Target Commercial

<p>Is anyone else appalled by the Jonas Brothers' "interpretation" of Hello, Goodbye by The Beatles for the new Target commercial? It's like nails on a chalkboard for me and it makes me so effing angry (diehard Beatles fan). I can't even describe how ticked off I am at THEM for disrespecting The Beatles to such a degree and at Target which seems to think they can allow people to screw up good music.</p>

<p>...Rant over.</p>

<p>I hate it too and want to die when I hear it...</p>

<p>There's been a surprising amount of commercials lately that do Hello, Goodbye, and not just Target's. First of all, the idea's become completely unoriginal by now, and the reinterpretations, as OP said, make ears bleeed.</p>

<p>I just had to look it up on youtube, and yes it's horrible. I quickly turned it off.</p>

<p>Target commercials always had something special about them...NOT ANYMORE!</p>

<p>I haven't seen that one, but I hated when they redid it the first time.</p>

<p>I also hate whoever redid the Wonder Years' song for their commercial... I don't remember who it was.</p>

<p>Okay, if I ever see a Target logo I'll immediately mute it, turn off the TV, and scream profusely.</p>

<p>^As you should.</p>

<p>I finally went to target for the first time yesterday. I pefer Shopco.</p>

<p>...Never heard of Shopco</p>

<p>The Jonas Brothers are an annoying niche band, and while I congratulate them for making huge sums of money, I really don't want that tween band near my Target commercials! I love Target.</p>

<p>I don't want them on commercials in general.</p>

<p>Why did I youtube that???</p>

<p>My ears may as well be bleeding now (and I'm not even really a Beatles fan).</p>

<p>GAH! This commercial is taking over TV as well as ruining my life.</p>

<p>That's a bit of a hyperbole, but whatever.</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - UG - Target isn't French</p>

<p>Just thought I'd post this since we're talking about target, and I watched this recently.</p>

<p>Jonas Brothers also did an AWFUL cover of "Take On Me" by A-ha. =( What a joke of a band.</p>

<p>They always do awful covers. ugh.</p>